this post was submitted on 09 Jul 2023
90 points (97.9% liked)

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I’ll start: My first GF and I didn’t use protection. We used the pull out technique. FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR! I was 19 and could have ruined my life then and there.

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[–] [email protected] 14 points 11 months ago (1 children)

So i was on a beach it was a grad party around 2004 or 5, i played the roll of a high school stoner (suprised ain't 'cha) and was drinking and having a good time when i decided to slam the rest of my bottle and make molotov cocktail out of my empty JD bottle. I fill it with some gas someone had in a jerry can steal a beer out of a cooler and start walking to the rocks. One of the hockey jocks was the apparent owner of this wonderful cooler of free beer, and was rather upset at my generous usage of said cooler. So as him and his boys approached i lit the boxers i stuffed into the gas and threw the bottle almost strait up, and as i wathced the horror in the faces of all around me who were paying attention to the almost altercation, the lit bottle landed strait up at my feet gently in the sand.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago