this post was submitted on 25 May 2024
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[โ€“] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I remember 9/11, I am a Swede and we were in school when suddenly there was an announcement of a minute of silence for the victims of a horrible attack.

It was only that evening I found out the true scope.

I was in the UK when the London bombs popped, I was in Bristol and the group I was with started talking about bombs and how we couldn't take the train back to Chippenham, I didn't get it untill we got back home and I watched the news. My parents were vacationing in Canada at the time, so I called them, letting them know I was fine, they never had time to be worried as they didn't know about the attack before I called them.

I was working my first year on a new (and frankly fantastic) job in the center of Stockholm when the dickhead stole a lorry and drove down Drottninggatan, mowing down shoppers and tourists. We put on the live news broadcast and stayed over for an hour or so at the office before people started getting home. The metro was closed, as were the busses in the center of the city as well as the large commuter trains, people just walked home or if they couldn't strangers offered others a couch to sleep on as well as dinner. My normal commute was a bus from the center of the city out to the closest bus stop to my apartment in the suburbs, but that bus was obviously cancelled. So I walked up to Stockholm East station, the nothern most stations of the central station in Stockholm, it is the terminus of the local narrow gauge railroad Roslagsbanan, it had service so I could get home that way...

[โ€“] Son_of_dad 3 points 1 month ago

I was getting ready for morning class when I saw the first plane hitting the news. I didn't go to school that day. Just sat there watching, especially after the second plane that came out of nowhere and was perfectly framed by the news cameras.