this post was submitted on 23 May 2024
-61 points (17.2% liked)

Unpopular Opinion

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It's kind of disappointing how people tend to use the upvote/downvote buttons. Sure, if it's an opinion you don't like, then downvote it to hell.

But if OP is posting a link to a legit article. That's not an opinion, that's facts. Downvoting facts makes them less likely to be seen by others.

Use those buttons wisely. I don't like it any more than many others, but I'm gonna tap that upvote in hopes it might help more people see the news!

Downvote me if you want, IDGAF.

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[–] MrJameGumb 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I've told you how I use them several times and you keep ignoring everything I say, so I'm not sure what else to tell you at this point.

You clearly came here with some kind of agenda, possibly because someone downvoted a post you made somewhere else. I'm sorry someone didn't like the link you posted in another community, but I don't think there's a specific "correct" answer that covers every contingency of why people downvote "legitimate" news articles.

Opinions are a nebulous topic that can be influenced by a variety of factors. Maybe the person downvoted you because they didn't understand the article? Or maybe they just didn't like the tone you used when you posted about it? Maybe they've seen 10 other people post it already and are sick of hearing about it? Maybe you got downvoted by a troll who just wants to see you get upset about it? Maybe it was someone who works for Microsoft? Maybe government agents really are trying to suppress your free speech? Maybe someone was just having a bad day and decided to take it out on you?

People can vote however they want. Unless there are specific rules about how to use up/downvotes that could somehow actually be enforced, then people can downvote anything they feel like, and unless they tell you why then you'll just never know.

[–] over_clox -1 points 1 month ago

Of course people can vote however they want. But in some cases, many people will have a knee jerk reaction to downvote actual facts that most everyone should know and should be shared, which just makes it less likely to be seen by others.

It has absolutely nothing to do with how anyone has voted on any of my comments or silly posts, I'm referring to actual factual news posts.