
joined 11 months ago
[–] MrJameGumb 5 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

People had been complaining about the pens since my first day there lol all the pens I bought were gone after about a month and they all went back to complaining again. I think one of the managers supplied a single 10 pack of pens once the whole time I worked there. I just kept a box of my own in my car for me to use lol

[–] MrJameGumb 15 points 5 hours ago (3 children)

I got a job once at this little video production company, and everyone was always trying to find pens. I'm pretty sure this one smart ass there was stealing them just because he thought it was funny that no one could ever find one...

Anyway, it was probably my second week on the job and I got pissed off because there were like 10 cups that were supposed to have pens in them at all times and I couldn't find a single one, so I went to the grocery store across the street and bought like 3 boxes of pens and filled all the cups again with the warning that these were my pens that everyone was welcome to use but if they all went missing I would start keeping them locked in my car. Everyone seemed happy to have pens again.

I got hauled into the managers office 2 hours later and questioned as to why I spent my own money on office supplies, why I didn't just requisition more pens, told never to do that again and handed a check for $11 for "stationary supplies".

That was the last time I ever bought anything for anybody at work ever again lol

[–] MrJameGumb 63 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago) (4 children)

This is clearly fake. If it had really happened at least one person would have called them a slur and downvoted their entire post history, then they would have been permabanned from 7 different subreddits.

[–] MrJameGumb 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Yes. That was my point.

[–] MrJameGumb 27 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

So someone was "storing" 34 $80,000 cars in an unattended lot in the middle of a bad neighborhood? Sounds like "someone" wanted something to happen to get some insurance money on those unsellable abominations lol

[–] MrJameGumb 86 points 2 days ago (7 children)

Ironically if they did hire a white man to play The Little Mermaid, the hard right nutjobs would be screaming that it was part of a "woke trans agenda" to normalize crossdressing and eliminate the traditional American male from society lol

[–] MrJameGumb 38 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Interestingly this statement is only presented completely without context. What role where they talking about? I'm sure Steven Miller wouldn't be satisfied until white men in blackface are playing every role in whatever it is they're talking about lol

[–] MrJameGumb 17 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I hate to tell you, but even the shitty Choco Tacos were discontinued a few years ago

[–] MrJameGumb 8 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Also Buffy is short for Elizabeth

[–] MrJameGumb 5 points 3 days ago

The Arby's Triple Cheese Melt. I think they stopped making it by the late 90s. Every once in a while it would show up again randomly and go away again a few weeks later but I don't think I've seen one since like 2005

[–] MrJameGumb 19 points 3 days ago (8 children)

Also, Peggy is short for Margaret 🤯


I never knew the 80s new wave version by Soft Cell was a cover lol


I had to frog almost all the progress I made last week and redo it after realizing I'd somehow stitched everything in the new section one row too low... Thankfully I got caught back up and made a little more progress though so I hope this panel will be done by Friday!


Apparently it's a regular occurrence


I'm finally starting the dragon!

Also here is a little tiny Sakura tree I started! I still have to do all the back stitching


There aren't really any other instructions included on the PDF. I think it's supposed to be a half stitch of one color and then a half stitch of the other maybe?

WIP Wednesday!!! (

Those little flowers took a while to finish but I'm really happy with how they came out! I think by the end of today I'll be able to finally move on to the next section!


This is pretty much all the furniture that will go in this one! Now I'm starting the daunting task of building all the books that go on the shelves lol

WIP Wednesday! (

This section is taking a while since there's so much confetti stitching between the pink sections! Hopefully by the end of the week this part will look like flowers lol!

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by MrJameGumb to c/[email protected]

This one went pretty fast! These book nook models really kind of fall in between model making and something like a 3d puzzle, so I ended up finishing it after just a few days, but it was still really fun! There are 4 different LED lights I had to rig up here and they all connect to a touch sensor on the base so you don't have to take it off the shelf to turn it on and off.

It was fun to build but I think I'll go back to building the more traditional models after this



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