Unpopular Opinion

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It's kind of disappointing how people tend to use the upvote/downvote buttons. Sure, if it's an opinion you don't like, then downvote it to hell.

But if OP is posting a link to a legit article. That's not an opinion, that's facts. Downvoting facts makes them less likely to be seen by others.

Use those buttons wisely. I don't like it any more than many others, but I'm gonna tap that upvote in hopes it might help more people see the news!

Downvote me if you want, IDGAF.


I think I'll just call it decrimination, because it can happen to anyone regardless of who they are.. these extra words just makes matters unnecessarily confusing


Tobacco companies had to own up to the fact that smoking is harmful in the 1960s when undeniable evidence came out. People struggled to quit because it is somewhat addictive, but mainly because they enjoyed it.

Those companies then encouraged the rhetoric about it being more addictive than heroin. It isn't. In my experience it's less addictive than caffeine.

Here's my history with nicotine:

  • Smoked cigarettes from 15 - 26.
  • Quit totally for 14 months
  • My friend who smoked moved back to town and I smoked when I was with them.
  • Switched to vaping 8 years ago.
  • Quit vaping in January this year (2024).

I bought 30 cigars at the start of last month (April 2024) and have smoked 9 of them so far. I normally just have 1 a week if I'm having a beer at home but I went out drinking 2 nights in a row at the start of this month and smoked 6 over that weekend.

Am I addicted? Maybe, but I haven't had any nicotine this week and don't plan on having any next week either.


The way people online constantly say 'talk to your doctor' like it's a panacea is a lot like how medieval peasants weren't able to read scripture and they just had to trust their clergy's interpretations

Sick of it. Usually it's not even like if I'm trying to find out if I have fucking cancer, I'm saying oh i feel sad in the evenings. why in the NAME of GOD would i want to then, for that, find the guy's number, call, leave a message cause it's midnight, wait for them to call back, schedule something 2 weeks later, worry the whole time, and try to remember and rephrase in formal clinical terminology exactly what's happening and get formal cold clinical advice for it from a guy I see twice a year. Just tell me! Give me colloquial advice and home remedies! good god!

There could be so many miracle tips or tricks online that really work but nooo people constantly shout 'talk to your doctor! call your doctor!' i don't want to fucking call the doctor, medical environments give me anxiety and all the bureaucracy and insurance and bills don't help matters either.

some zoomers on tiktok seem to get this and happily share 'oh this worked for me!' and usually it's somewhat helpful and a very nice, casual interaction that doesn't involve interaction with an authority figure and potential bills. it's that easy.

'ooh what about liability' don't care. liability has destroyed modern america, gatekeeping knowledge behind a culture of fear. if you're so scared about liability over a reddit comment, simply don't say anything! rather than leaving a pointless piece of advice that every single person on the planet knows is the default 'ideal' answer, that isn't necessarily actionable for many who don't have easy or trivial access to healthcare.


Single door is nicer bc you only have to open one door, the french doors you often have to open both bc they are too small to get to things unless it's in the door compartment. Opening or closing both doors with things in your hands gets old, and if you want to get into the meat drawer you have to open both sides fully then slide a huge tray out to get to it. Good luck opening one door and trying to squeeze a casserole dish in.

Single doors close somewhat automatically, might need a knee or hip nudge. French doors are more manual, closing each door individually. French doors often beeping bc they didn't get closed correctly. They have a little flap between the doors that gets worn out and loose, so that will also make it annoying to close.

Single doors open up out of the way, french doors always have one side flapping in the way making sure neither side of the counter can be used easily.

Single door type fridges are usually very simple, easy to fit a lot of stuff in them, french door fridges seem bloated, tons of wasted space.

French doors are more expensive and seen as a luxury item, despite single door fridges being common due to cost I think people perceive french doors to be an upgrade, but imo it is a downgrade, thus unpopular.


In my opinion, the Reddit Blackout was essentially moderators acting as a personal army for app developer.

Even goes the ancient rules of redditquitte

Ask people to Troll others on Reddit, in real life, or on other blogs/sites. We aren't your personal army.


(Content warning, discussions of SA and misogyny, mods I might mention politics a bit but I hope this can be taken outside the context of politics and understood as a discussion of basic human decency)

We all know how awful Reddit was when a user mentioned their gender. Immediate harassment, DMs, etc. It's probably improved over the years? But still awful.

Until recently, Lemmy was the most progressive and supportive of basic human dignity of communities I had ever followed. I have always known this was a majority male platform, but I have been relatively pleased to see that positive expressions of masculinity have won out.

All of that changed with the recent "bear vs man" debacle. I saw women get shouted down just for expressing their stories of being sexually abused, repeatedly harassed, dogpiled, and brigaded with downvotes. Some of them held their ground, for which I am proud of them, but others I saw driven to delete their entire accounts, presumably not to return.

And I get it. The bear thing is controversial; we can all agree on this. But that should never have resulted in this level of toxicity!

I am hoping by making this post I can kind of bring awareness to this weakness, so that we can learn and grow as a community. We need to hold one another accountable for this, or the gender gap on this site is just going to get worse.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/unpopularopinion

I thought i shouldn't make two posts but put both of em in one cause that's more acknowledgement than what they deserve . So my reasons are the boths choke full of plot holes, lets do silo first : on one episode you need a long time two travel inside the silo then on another its not a problem at all , Characters are dumb as fuck and does not think of foul play at all if, i was in the silo with no memory i would be paranoid as fuck and i'm pretty sure everyone would be too . Society would never thrive like it does in the show, not with a ruling like that anyway like did everyone just think okay we will just obay the government or whatever it is they got going on there even tho we have no power to inspect or question their decision or work ? Like its obvious from the birth control thing that they are under tough ruling and yet there are no rebels, conspiracy theorists , public unease or anything . Do they all believe the camera feed is exactly what it is like outside ? Like fuckin hell how brain dead are they ? Also there seem to be a flickering on the screen and no one notices or have any problem .

Lets do severance now : The show starts by flipping off everyone's patience and depends on Apples simps to hype it up and reccomend it . Doesn't draw you in at all even with the interesting as fuck premise . Like just what is the consequence if you stop working just tell us that but no the co workers can't spare a sec to tell the new lady that even tho it will take 10sec, fuck you i'm all for slow burns but this is just baiting the thin plot you have to make people watch more . The show tries to bring in comedy where it has no place being . I wish i could watch more to say more shit about it but if i try to watch both of em i feel like throwing up i don't know why they are as acclaimed as they are .


When I hear about a new game, I usually read the first sentence or two on Wikipedia. I rule out games described as certain genres or types, like soulslike or online-only multiplayer games. Then, I check reviews on a site like Metacritic. If the critic or user reviews (doesn't need to be both) are good enough, I add it to a list to play.

I also do this with movies and tv. Obviously, with sequels/series I know a little bit more about the games/movies/shows but I still go in as blind as possible.


In games like Destiny or CS:GO for example, you should not even be allowed to start the activity without a working microphone. I dont care if you are antisocial, if that's the case, those activaties aren't for you and you shouldn't bring down your entire team because of that.

As an clarification, I'm more worried about Raids than PVP


I don't have this opinion lightly.

Arrowhead executives knew for 6 months before launch that this would be a mandatory PSN required situation. That happens when you take a deal with the devil and you take Sony's money.

By removing that requirement for 3 months at launch, they created a situation where many hundreds of thousands if not millions of players purchased a game they can no longer play at the end of this month. I don't blame them, they did what they thought they needed to do, and a very scrappy startup way, to get things working. But it was a failure of executive leadership to put them in a position where they've locked their own players out of the game, and their own money, and their progress.

I 100% believe this is a failure of the Arrowhead executive leadership. Their decisions have created this public outcry, and Sony is ostensibly taking the blame, because they're enforcing their contractual terms.

I predict Sony will back down, and allow an exception, at least for players who've already purchased the game in PSN blocked regions. But they're only going to do that to prevent themselves from getting dragged into regulatory quagmires around the globe.

From an executive position the Arrowhead CEO has completely failed, he put his financiers in a position where they are the public bad guys, and then when the heat turned up, the organization as a whole redirected the blame to the publisher, when they should have been the ones at fault. One might say this was a 4D chess move, to get their game free of the PlayStation Network requirements, but even if that's what falls out in the end, other executives looking at this performance will not appreciate it. Especially when it comes to them negotiating another project.

I do have a part to play. I am not blameless in all of this - it was my decision to disable account linking at launch so that players could play the game. I did not ensure players were aware of the requirement and we didn't talk about it enough.

We knew for about 6 months before launch that it would be mandatory for online PS titles.



Boeing is for sure a shit show and terribly managed, but I don't think they would blatantly kill guys like that. I think it's far more likely that the first guy did kill himself because he figured everybody would think Boeing whacked him and that would do far more damage to the company than his testimony would. Now any news falls under a suspicious gaze and here we are thinking some other guys unfortunate death is due to nefarious deeds.

Or I'm wrong and Boeing has a CIA division ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


In a democracy, I don't see how their vote really matters less. Plus it'll help improve prisons perhaps.

I love Cars (self.unpopularopinion)
submitted 1 month ago by BlackNo1 to c/unpopularopinion

This is moreso an unpopular opinion within my (younger) generation, but i LOVE cars. Specifically Classic American Muscle. I love they way they sound, look, and feel when you are driving one. I love the moving components and the mechanics of a well tuned V8 engine. Now im not one of those people thats “ I AM ONE WITH MY MACHINE I PUT THE STICK SHIFT IN MY ASS ID FUCK MY CAR IF I COULD!”

In regards to why i think this is an unpopular opinion is because my generation really does not like cars m, especially within far leftist circles (anarchist, socialist , communist circles, also see /c/fuckcars.) I myself am a anarchist-socialist. Despite my love of cars I completely understand why the frustration and hatred of cars is growing. The USA auto market in particular continues its awful trends of oversized SUVS and pickup trucks. I hold a massive appreciation for the “small” pickup trucks such as the toyota hilux and kei truck which funny enough are not legal to own in the usa without jumpjng through hoops. (proof that you dont need a massive truck to haul most things and that massive oversized truck drivers really are just compensating for something.)

The car and oil industry are massively exploitive, evil, and greedy capitalist machines that need to be destroyed. We as people need to cut back on emissions, we need better public transport infrastructure everywhere, we need to cut down on production of newer cars (We dont need a new version every year of whatever shit car is being produced by big corporations), we need to quit or extremely cut back our reliance on fossil fuel, the obvious massive damage to the environment done by the automobile and oil industry, theres so many downsides to the automobile specifically in the USA. Infrastructure is completely and totally shit, the highway system is awful, Insurance is fuckin completely insane as a concept, the way people drive is horrendous and dangerous, and not to mention the price of upkeep on a vehicle.

Aside from the obvious cons to the car, the car culture itself can be really shit sometimes because especially in the classic muscle scence is mostly comprised of bigoted old crusty dudes that are always bitching about the “good times.” Theres also the same problem among the jdm car scence of general toxic masculinity but thankfully its getting better thanks to a younger more inclusive crowd of car enthusiasts.

(I also think pretty much all “exotic” super cars are pretty stupid and are more of a status symbol for elite rich assholes, then a genuine love or passion for automobiles)

Now for the reason I LOVE cars. I grew up with hot wheels and hot wheels media which greatly impacted my psyche as a kid and made me fall in love with the American muscle car. (Thanks capitalist corporate propaganda) Specifically a kick ass hot wheels movie called highway 35, which by the way has an awesome soundtrack with a song by smash mouth which went unbelievably hard as a kid and still kinda does lol. It made me grow to love cars and racing. What was nice about this particular piece of corporate propaganda media made to sell childrens toys, was that it was surprisingly inclusive with multiple races and featuring women drivers which was huge at the time for media targeted mostly at boys which I unironically think helped me have an more inclusive views growing up as a kid. I come from a line of car enthusiasts who all owned various kickass muscle cars back in the hey day of the american v8 muscle car.

I dont know if you would call it indoctrination but it greatly formed who i would become as a person. Thankfully i also grew up with Thomas the train engine so i would also always love trains and public infrastructure thankfully.

I own a classic American muscle car that i purchased with money that i worked for since i was a pre-teen and it has been a joy to work on it myself. The feeling of being on a wide open road and being able to open it is fantastic. With the windows rolled down, wind in my hair, music blasting, and the loud roar of the engine has produced some of the most euphoric and beautiful moments of serenity in my life. Im not kidding when i say it brought me to tears but im a sensitive guy. Working on it and repairing has also greatly deepened my appreciation for the automobile as a utilitarian and blue collar machine.

It breaks my heart but yet I completely understand why the younger generations really dont care for or despise the automobile. For most of the younger generation Its a symbol of a begone age and of the oppressive captalistic system in place. For me the automobile doesnt represent wealth or status, but a true representation of rebellion, freedom, the working class, ingenuity, character, and more.

It will ultimately be a fantastic day when the car is not the primary mode of transportation globally. However a part of me will always weep the death of the automobile and will always hold out hope that there will always be at least a small place for it whether it be country backroads or private race tracks.


Before you downvote check the community and maybe read my argument.

In recent times on Lemmy or really in any tech affine corner its become the norm to trash Chrome and ALL other Chromium based browsers. However I’d argue thats complete nonsense and maybe even counter productive. Really Safari and GOOGLE Chrome should be enemy #1. Not smaller Chromium browsers. The fact that two 100% big tech controlled browsers have such a dominating position is the real cause for concern. And lets not pretend that Firefox’s further development is also heavily predicated upon Google writing them a check.

Because really the issue right now is that the if both Google and Apple come together to start enshittifying their browsers by for example adding invasive DRM that allows websites to deny you service if you run adblockers, rooted or jailbroken devices (like Google tried) with their combined market share of > 90% they could just push through. Since many websites would loose very little in terms of potential users if they outright denied service to any browser (Chromium or not) without that DRM in place.

However if Google Chrome and Safari had lets say less than 40% market share another 50% was controlled by a dozen or so smaller based Chromium browsers, these browsers could simply first off not merge in these anti features into their codebase and maybe even deny merging any new Chromium changes in protest until Google or Apple give up on it. Because what use is there for Chrome to add new features if only a third of the browsers support it? No website can really use them

Also I’m still in full support of Chromium’s idea of giving webapps more capabilities. In my opinion giving webapps the ways to access System stuff like Bluetooth, USB Devices, … through a robust permission system and making them a even more viable type of Application is a great cause. The Applications are still sandboxed, they are multiplatform by nature and the web is a very democratic and user-friendly way to distribute them (way more so than the big tech owned Appstores). Or let me put it this way : If i have to run a closed source Application, I at least feel better doing so if its in a sandboxed environment like a browser and without supporting the iron grip the Appstore or Playstore have on their respective platforms.

My approval for Chromium however does not extend to electron and other “Website packaged as a ‘native’ App” frameworks. Fuck that crap. Especially since 90% could just be a regular Webapp or PWA but yet decide to ship and entire browser along with 1MB of JavaScript code that uses maybe 1% of the Browsers features.

??? (lemm.ee)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/unpopularopinion



They are an invasive species and replaced the prettier, native red ones. I think a bounty might cause people to set up indiscriminate traps so wouldn't go there, but I think we should figure out a way to genocide grey squirrels

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by EfreetSK to c/unpopularopinion

So in the past, people were sort of pushed into mariage and to have kids. And this went on for centuries actually. This caused that even if you didn't want to have kids, you had some. Humanity drag those people's genes even if they didn't want to. But now, with more free world, we sort of get rid of those people, the only ones who copulate will be the people who want to. And in the next generation we can expect more people who want to copulate and so on and so on. Good

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/unpopularopinion

I’m talking about the one that swaps recommended videos and the description/comments. Who doesn’t want to glance at the description or pinned comment without having to scroll outside of the video? Limited width for reading, amirite? Plus this can create parity of recommendations with the front page, which should decrease maintenance and bugs, along with providing the ability to actually click on the channels.

Note that I’m less supportive of extending this to theater mode.


I'm mainly talking about these new "but they're different" games, that have gotten so fucking popular, lately.

"Honky Stair Rail" and "Genshin Implants" or whatever the fuck they're called.

I don't care if you can play them without spending any money. I don't care if they're any good. None of that matters. The whole model of the game being funded by whales, spending money on in-game items and currency IS LITERALLY EVIL.

There is no way to do it ethically. That is an impossibility, on a fundamental level. There is no excuse for anyone to give these so-called developers and publishers ANY amount of money, attention, or engagement.

The only acceptable way to pay for a game as a service is a traditional MMO subscription, where you pay a flat rate per month/year to access 100 percent of a game's available gameplay.

I don't care what your excuse is. I don't care that you like anime tits and ass. I don't care if you think your chosen free-to-pay game is different. It's not.

Stop supporting this shit. Support real games.

A couple of years ago, I would have considered this to be a popular opinion, but about 35-40 percent of the internet posts I see in 2024 are related to either "Honky Stair Rail" or "Genshin Implants," and it's starting to freak me the fuck out.


The idea that human personalities and behaviors can be sorted into two simplistic piles or even a scale between two piles is just silly.

There's no predictive value to it- you can't objectively classify\quantify people's 'vertion' and then predict behaviors or outcomes based on those classifications, not even statistically from a large sample set because it's meaninglessly subjective.

People are complex. Someone might appear 'introverted' in a social situation they're unfamiliar with, but in a different setting my appear 'extroverted' because they're very comfortable.

And some will say "social interactions give energy to extro and take it from intro" but what the hell does 'energy' mean in that context anyway? If I go to a small party with close friends all talking about sci-fi I'll enjoy myself all night and feel refreshed, but I'd be exhausted after 30 minutes at a rave and need a week to recover.

And do people migrate between intro-extro throughout their life? In my 20's I felt compelled to meet and experience new people all the time but now in my mid-40's I don't really care and tend to stick to the people I know. Does that mean I turned more introverted at some point? That's why even as a personality scale it's nonsense.

It's all just Myers-Briggs for dummies, which is already for dummies.

The only way it makes sense is as a description of immediate behavior, not of a personality. Someone may be 'behaving in an introverted way' but saying that makes them an 'introvert' is nonsense because they may go somewhere else and behave in an extroverted way an hour later.


This issue really evokes my emotions, because of how much I love sports. I think sports are a vitally important part of the human experience. I guess dance is, too, but we're not talking about dance, in and of itself.

Dance isn't a sport. Period. Ever. Nobody can change my mind about this. Dance is potentially expressive, beautiful, socially useful, entertaining, etc. But it IS NOT A FUCKING SPORT.

Only sports should be in the goddamned Olympics, and shoving non-sports into the mix is shameful and disgusting. It's a wad of spit in the face of every great athlete who has ever taken the field. It's a disgrace to the Ancient Greek tradition that the Olympics are attempting to continue.

I don't give a fuck that there are already competitions for breakdancing. Or ballroom dancing. People can hold competitions for whatever they want. I actually think competitions shouldn't be held for entirely subjective and artistic activities, but people can do whatever the fuck they want.

But not in the fucking Olympics. This shit makes me sick.

And before you start pointing out the other subjective, judged events that are already in the Olympics: THEY SHOULD ALL BE REMOVED, TOO. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. NONE OF THEM BELONG.

No more gymnastics (rhythmic or otherwise). No more figure skating and ice dancing. No more skateboarding. No more surfing. No more synchronized swimming. No more freestyle skiing. No more diving. No more BMX. No more ANYTHING that requires judging.

You might browbeat me into admitting that some of those subjectively judged activities are sports, but you will never convince me that they belong in the Olympics.

Olympic sports should be restricted to those which are determined by means of a clock, a measuring tape, the accumulation of OBJECTIVELY scored points, or a physical beating.

Even some of those should be on the chopping block. Some of the points-scoring events are too subjective. If a sport relies too much on fallible human judging, it should be excluded.

The vast majority of the events should be arbitrated only by the cold, merciless, absolute judgment of the clock or the measuring tape. Therein lies the truest purity of sport.

Honestly, the best thing to do would be to reset everything to the REAL tradition of the Olympics. Almost nothing, other than running, jumping, and fighting. With an absolute minimum of rules to get in the way, and all the athletes competing in the nude. Just sandals on their feet. No space-age materials to help anyone. Nothing for anyone to hide. Just human muscle and determination, on display at the greatest possible level.

But it's all a forlorn dream. Instead, we have to have our stomachs turned, as a bunch of revolting little shitheads wobble and headspin.

The ancient Olympians are going to be spinning in their fucking graves.


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