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Basically the gist of it, I'd like to switch to an unflavored protein supplement. Any recommendations or experiences would be greatly appreciated.


I've been doing yoga for over 2 years multiple times pretty much every week and I restarted weightlifting for mostly hypertrophy dec 2023 after not having done it for 5 years. I've never put that much thought towards "deload weeks" where you take a full on break for a week in order to have your body recover a bit better. Are these a necessity or what are your thoughts towards it?

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Grogon to c/fitness


I thought giving inclined walking a try after I heard the hype about it and I am losing weight but it also could be just my change in foods since 2 months.

Either way, l have a feeling I ain't making progress. I started off at 15% incline, 30 minutes and kept my heartrate between 130 to 135. That was only possible at speed 3.5.

So starting: 30 minutes, 15% incline 3,5 speed.

Now after 7 weeks I am walking 60 minutes but didn't change the speed at all. The reason for not changing speed is that as soon as I increase from 3.5 to 3.7 (very slightly) my heartrate goes out of zone 2 into zone 3 (140-145).

Nothing seems to help this problem. 3.7 is basically my limit, no matter if I just start walking and slowly increase or didn't do pre workout. It's always 140 at that speed.

What can I do to progress instead of increasing time on the treadmil to 60 minutes? It's so time consuming and I'd rather just walk faster but a shorter time than longer but slower. My heartrate is limiting my pace though.

Today I gave it a new try. Two days rest and I didn't do my upper body workout just to check what happens. 15%, speed 3.5 -> after 5 minutes heartrate 128. After 10 minutes 135. After 15 minutes still 135 so I increase to 3.6. Now 139. Then to 3.7 and I am at 143.

I'm not even exhausted, I could do that easily one hour. But it's so time consuming. I need more miles in shorter time at my 130 heartrate instead.


Hello guys, so now I finally managed to get going and work out consistently (currently I've been doing it for 2 weeks) at home with a barbell currently I noticed that particularly when trying to do lunges I cannot complete the sets not even without the barbell.

Would it ok if I cannot complete the sets or would you suggest me to do something else in order to gain the strength to do them?

As well if you could share some YouTube that teaches how to have an integral work out only with a barbell would be great.


submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Grogon to c/fitness


I am currently doing an upper/ lower body split. So I do upper body monday, tuesday lower body, wednesday light cardio and so on.

While I don't want to switch up things on lower body I want to learn to do pullups but I cant do them yet.

I am currently doing these for upper body:

  1. Pull ups (2x) and 8 negative pull ups
  2. Push ups
  3. Inverted rows (bodyweight)
  4. Back extension machine
  5. Biceps curls
  6. Triceps pushdowns

This I would do on monday. On thursday I'd just do lat pulldowns instead of pull ups and benchpress on the machine instead of push ups. On sunday I'd do some seated cable rows instead of Inverted rows with bodyweight... Maybe even do some back exercise with T-Bar and no inverted rows and no cable rows.

Is this a bad idea?

Wondering if I should just keep doing the same exercises and just increase weight? Seems easier, but it's kind of boring to me.


Might seem like a silly question but I'm curious.

Maybe a movie with a lot of action or decent soundtrack for example


so far I’ve ditched the ketogenic diet to not show my lifestyle change to anyone. I am still counting calories and macros. I skip the gym only on days where my girl is at home as to not raise any suspicion. On days where I am at the gym I get at around 1900~2100 kcal, on days without I’m staying at 1600~1800 kcal - so far I lose about 100g a day/ 1.5 lbs a week. I’m down 4.6 kg (10 lbs) since I started on December 27. The belt hole puncher is useful. I’m down 2 holes on the belt, 1 of them I needed to punch myself.

I’m planning on going public with weight loss in march, starting keto and the gym officially.


.. but still end up going. Anyone agree?


After starting hitting the gym and clicking on a few videos (workouts, excercises etc) my feeds started being dominant with science hypertrophy. Probably because one of my favorite home cooks, Adam Ragusea because of his lean on actual published science, did a piece with Renaissance Periodization so cross pollination happened. And then it spiraled from here from the folks RP works with. And now it is so filled with science hypertrophy and that approach to lifting.

Now honestly I don't think I prioritize hypertrophy that much. I do appreciate it. But overall I'm more interested in making sure my body is as strong and athletic as possible so it can weather the ravages of time and daily life.

So I need a bit of help populating my feeds with "strength science lifters" and happily take recommendations. Those I already have are Strength Side (more athleticism and movement though) and The Bioneer (not the most concrete actionable content).

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Grogon to c/fitness


I go to the gym since december. I started at 83,6 kg now I am at 79,4 kg. My goal is about 72 to 74 kg without losing too much muscles.

Right now I cant do a single pull up and I do a upper body lower body split.

Upper body:

  • Lat Pulldowns (cable)
  • Seated Rows (cable)
  • Australian Pull ups
  • Push Ups
  • Dead Hangs
  • Shoulder press (seated with dumbbells)
  • bicep curls standing with Dumbbells
  • Triceps cable machine

And lower body days I do

Leg press Leg extensions (machine) The other Leg machine that I pull back lol Lunges Knee raises on pull up bar

The wednesday and saturday I do inclined walking at 15% incline and 4 km/h speed for 30 minutes

My thought is losing weight, makes pull ups easier and doing some more bodyweight stuff.

Im scared I will develop disbalance somewhere, am I missing something?


Hey all, just hoping to get some recommmendations on a meal planner where I can enter in favourite foods, target macros, etc.

I had one years ago but can't for the life of me remember what the site was. It was pretty handy.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/fitness

I've been bombarded recently with adds for the Muscle Booster app. Just a minute's research revealed that this is just a subscription renewal scam, but the app looks perfect for my needs.

I'm over 50, in pretty bad shape, and looking to make some changes, so a chair workout plan seems ideal, and the (possibly fake) app they show in the ads looks perfect.

Is there a non-scam chair workout app I can use?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Grogon to c/fitness

So I am a beginner (male) in the gym and honestly I am feeling really good. 2 Months ago I started my cable lat pulldown at about 29 kg and was exhausted mid set 2 and went down with the weight.

Now my warm up is basically 35 kg and now I am at 47 kg.

Almost all exercises I increased my weight by a lot and while I don't really notice physical difference besides my body fat vanishing and my strength going up by numbers I am still excited and will keep going on.

I am 80 kg and 175 cm tall, my goal is losing more fat and gaining a bit more muscles but in general I'd say my goal is about 72-74 kg because I want to start climbing again soon.

Now my question of this topic is something else that makes me wonder. My wrists and fingers are so small, I mean really small for a male. I work as a nurse and I use size "S" in germany gloves.

I don't want to but even if I would want to can I actually become a Hulk? Like is that even possible? It seems I would look really weird if I had huge muscles because of how small my wrist, fingers and my head is. It would look so hilarious.

My goal isn't to become bulky anyways but I am just wondering what if it was my goal? Would that be possible? I seem to have very skinny bones.


Short story: Today after cardio/strength class I casually repped out two sets of three good pullups while testing out grips I just got for myself. 2x3 like it was no big deal. I sure as hell looked flabbergasted after I did it. Just like that. Like it was no big deal.

Long story: I started hitting the gym November last year, especially the various classes offered. Some strength here and there to fill gaps and doing something productive while waiting for class to start. Have run into issues with deadlifts and negative pullups/hangs as the weight there both fatigues my hands to the point of them limiting but also (primarily) pinching a flab of skin to the point of pain. Done great progress on deadlifts. Tried gloves and they helped. But since it is the season, and I had been thinking of it, I decided to treat me to a whole bunch of straps and grips. Got them yesterday and today after a cardio/strength class it was time to try them out.

Did some light deadlifts and oh gosh what a difference. No more gripping for dear life (exaggeration). Of the ones I got my favorite became Ironmind's Sew-Easy, the other felt a bit too stiff. But that is probably just due to them not being worn at all.

After the deadlifts time for some hangs. Pulled up a board to get enough reach and strapped in. My hands loved me and then pulled a bit. Up I went. And then another, and another. Felt like it was a warmup set of pullups. Put on the grips and same thing happened, easy reps of pullups.


Just wanted to shout that out. For those wondering gone from a 105kg active (15k steps a day at work and some cycling) dough-boy to 85kg guy with some visible toning.


TFCC injury (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by thrawn to c/fitness

Got a partial TFCC tear climbing like six months ago and recovery has been slow. Ortho doesn’t think it needs operating and PT likes progress, so I guess I’m inclined to agree.

Anyone here have personal experience? Things are mostly recovered but it’s been very, very slowly improving for a couple months now. Like barely. Is the tail end meant to take this long?

Edit: I’m in my late 20s


Hello everyone,

I'm wondering if might be over doing it and prohibiting growth.

I started two months ago.

Here is my leg day. Only once per week.

  • Jog or bike 10mins. Basically warm up until sweat.
  • squats: 4x10
  • dead lifts: 5x5
  • leg curls and or leg press 4x10. I skip when these are unavailable.
  • bike ~30mins. I'm not sure if I should remove this one. It's interval training with the purpose of recovery improvement / fitness. So, by interval I mean one minute hard spin (higher resistance) and one minute lowish-medium resistance. I start with 5 min spring. Then 5 sets of this interval. Then, 4 minutes spin at same low-medium resistance, then another 5 sets or less. I'm usually beat after this.

Hello guys,

I have a machine like this at home currently is not working but I was thinking on getting it fixed, would it be enough to get fit at home or would you suggest something else I should get?

Thanks in advance for your responses.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/fitness

Yesterday I was doing overhead press for 3x8 at 30 kilos. I felt a slight pain/tightness towards the back left side of my neck and today it's quite a bit worse. Nothing unbearable, but I can't tilt my head to the back left. I don't think I'm ego lifting but this has happened once before. Any tips for a faster recovery and what I can do to prevent it in the future?

Also, weirdly enough the pain is on the left side and it hurts when I tilt my head left, so when that muscle contracts. I would have expected it to hurt when stretched, no?


Google said anywhere from 30 minutes to 24 hours, but for me 24 hours or even more is a must.

I tend to eat and sleep more and even take 1 day leave from work.

I was wondering whether it's normal to rest this much or I'm just lazy. It's not that I cannot push my body to work immediately after sex but I prefer not to force myself.

Hope it's all normal.


This is a video about Jorn Trommelen's recent paper:

The gist of it is that they compared 25g protein meals vs 100g protein meals, and while you do use less of it for muscle protein synthesis at that quantity, it's a very minor difference. So the old adage still holds: Protein quantity is much more important than timing.

While we're at it, I'd also like to share an older but very comprehensive overview of protein intake by the same author:


Hi y'all. So I'm closing in on a full year at the gym. For the second time in my life I'm doing it, last time was 15-20 years ago. I'm down, I'm up and I've got the best/most fun body I've had in at least 15 years.

So naturally with a bit of retro- and instrospection I think of what is working for me. I go on loooots of classes, having someone tell me what to do and get energy from others around me is super-duper awesome. From spinning to strength-cardio and dance (I did not see my fondness for that a year ago). Working classes into my schedule often takes me to the gym 30-35 minutes early and I've been using that time doing "random" strength stuff.

But perhaps time for me to get some organization going for my self-guided pre- and/or post class workouts. And since I like moving my "new" body around I think of supersetting big(?) strength exercises with mobility work. For example squats with dead hang (or eccentric pull ups to dead hang).

So let me have your favorite mobility inserts into super sets!

Strength exercises I especially enjoy

  • Squats (including sumo)
  • Romanian deadlifts (including single leg variant)
  • Overhead press
  • Rows (barbell, alternating gorilla)
  • Kettlebell ABCs (one KB, two KB) (I know not 100% a strength exercise)

Side note: Reading the list above makes me realize I need to find some arm and chest exercise variants to enjoy

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