Ah I see. I've been using Forkyz and it looks very similar.
What app is that?
To be fair, to be able to practice regularly for so long to gain skill is rather lucky. Also, not all practice is equal, so having someone teach you to practice more effectively is a privilege. Either that or practicing on your own in an unguided manner and still being able to gain skill takes talent.
Yeah, that's lucky and very well could require being lucky enough to have some sort of talent along the path.
More pixels
I've been trying out Voyager for a little while and it seemed pretty good overall, but I found a few small things with the UX that made it annoying.
I downloaded Summit after this comment and it really is almost exactly what I needed. Thanks!
I do wish you could customize the colors, though. The few presets just don't really fit my tastes.
Sometimes I like to say "counter-widdershins"
The fact this is not coming from @[email protected] themselves is another big piece of evidence of their inability to maintain a good relationship or even just a good line of communication with the community and people who pay/paid for the app/subscription.
I've defended them in the past for falling short of this sort of thing in the past, but at this point it's inexcusable.
In my opinion, I think they need to hang it up and move on from Sync. They need to stop stringing people along. Or at least bring on another developer that can help move things along faster and maintain communication and expectations with the community.
- Alice in Chairs
- Queers if the Stone Age
- Scone Temple Pilots
- Ho Doubt
- Red Hot Child Peppers
Here's that image seemingly posted to Imgur by the photographer
They likely just clicked something like "copy URL" somewhere and that's what it gave them.
Asphodel, most likely.
So glad this meme was cropped so poorly and compressed down to a hazy blur. It really adds to the shittiness that everyone loves and needs.
Just to be a contrarian, here's the original image from Matt Wuerker at Politico