"Get skrekked Green fag" - ๐ฅฆ battalion
Fun crafts for the 21st century!
The man who talked about the "craft" of comedy and then did a bad sam kinneson impression and called it his act
Thomas should be glad he is only deaf. Gordon had to make the bikernau circuit.
It is always small men.
(Mentality as well as stature before you @ me)
If you had a pulse time to be in the war effort in some capacity.
To the tune of the wanderer
"Well I'm the kinda guy who fucks his mom and dad"
It is truly a masterpiece of games as a medium.
Cannot listen to the end of yorha without tearing up when the choruses collide.
Games as art prime example. Think about it daily. (Not just the ass i promise)
Had a lady ask the room if anyone felt guilty after a Texas history discussion.
Reminds me of this meme.
In literally everyone's history you'll find groups taking advantage of lesser thans for personal gain. We didn't load the cannon or sharpen the spears. We can learn, acknowledge and progress (ideally)
Guilt as an emotion doesn't do anything for you. Use it for something at least.... like kidnapping people and requesting extradition to fantasy land. Lol
The male octopus is sometimes referred to as a carradine
When get one of those long ass side boogies it feels like removing a nail from your foot.