
joined 2 years ago
[–] zloubida 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Authoritarianism doesn't work, whether capitalistic or communist.

And travel is very restricted in China.

[–] zloubida 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Please never show that to a Breton 😅.

[–] zloubida 0 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

USSR “solved” homelessness putting people in prisons and psychiatric hospital… and even then there still was homeless people. Authoritarianism doesn't work.

And Berlin west was a weird political situation, but my argument still holds. People flee DPRK or China…

[–] zloubida 5 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Capitalist countries did the same thing without building walls to stop their population to flee…

[–] zloubida 9 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

And before the end of the cold war, USSR was a reactionary country governed by an elite for its own interests. It's the same in China. The same in Vietnam, the same in Cuba (but at least there they have the excuse of the unjust US politics against them).

[–] zloubida 7 points 2 weeks ago (9 children)

While Marxism-Leninism gets hijacked by reactionary forces for their own purposes and gets recuperated under capital after that.

[–] zloubida 4 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Bună dimineaţa! In France, my country, we had a victory of the Far-Right party last spring, but that shook our population and the left won the legislative elections which occurred 3 weeks later. According to you, whether Georgescu or Lasconi win, is a scenario like that possible for the legislative elections?

[–] zloubida 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Eble lerni kaj uzi Esperanton helpos vin kiam vi provos lerni la francan :-)

[–] zloubida 2 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Mi parolas denaske la francan kaj mi lernis la anglan.

[–] zloubida 37 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Selling is also now no more option, who would buy a place where you can't fall asleep or if you fall asleep you wake up by massive bell noise.

I'm sorry for what you're going through. I lived just near a cathedral which rang their bells every 15 minutes, in a badly isolated apartment but that never bothered me. I'm not saying this to minimize the seriousness of what you're experiencing, but to show a possible way out: we each have very different levels of tolerance. What is (legitimately) unbearable for you may be (legitimately) bearable or even pleasant for someone else. If the inconvenience is so great, try to sell anyway: at worst no one will buy and you will have lost nothing, at best you will find a buyer who is not bothered by bells and you will be able to rebuild your life far from this nuisance.

[–] zloubida 5 points 3 weeks ago

Elle n'est pas seulement « sous la menace d'une condamnation », elle a été par deux fois condamnée pour diffamation. Son casier n'est dores et déjà plus vierge !

[–] zloubida 2 points 4 weeks ago

The two facts are linked: Vichy was chosen as the new capital after the occupation of Paris because of the springs. There were a lot of hotels and means of communication because of the luxurious spas.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by zloubida to c/linux

Text: Hi.

This is your last chance to prevent unpleasant consequences and save your reputation. Your operating systems on every device you use to log into your emails are infected with a Trojan virus. I use a multiplatform virus with a hidden VNC. It works on any operating system: iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows.


This article is published on a Christian journal, but was written by a Jewish author on a book written by an other Jewish person, so I thought it had its place here.

Hi! I'm the new moderator (self.christianity)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by zloubida to c/[email protected]

Hi everybody!

I am a Protestant Christian from France. So please excuse my bad English.

Let's try to build here a community dedicated to Christianity, firstly designed for Christians of all denominations and all theological trends, from conservatives to liberals, but open to anyone curious or interested, regardless of their own religious opinions.

The rules here are simple: as Saint Augustine said, “love and do what you want”. Any opinion is accepted as long as it is not hateful. Racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, bigoted, homophobic, etc, comments are therefore prohibited. Respectful criticism of Christianity is accepted, but invectives and endless debates have no place here; other communities will welcome them.

Even if we can't control that, please remember that a downvote is not a way to disagree. If you disagree, make a (respectful and reasoned) answer or move on.

If there's a problem, do not hesitate to contact me, here or on Matrix (@zloubida:matrix.org).


Pour résumer : une série d'escape games et d'enquêtes ludiques liées entre elles par une histoire dans un univers médiéval fantastique de 2000m² avec en son centre une taverne avec des jeux de société et des haches à lancer.

Ça a l'air trop bien 🤤

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by zloubida to c/[email protected]

J'ai bien envie d'apprendre la dactylo. L'idée de base, c'était d'apprendre le BÉPO ( https://bepo.fr/wiki/Accueil ), mais je suis tombé sur une autre disposition, plus jeune : Ergo-L. Maintenant j'hésite entre les deux. Il y en a parmi vous qui connaissent et/ou utilisent/ont utilisé l'Ergo-L ?

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