I hope if/when they nerf it, they just increase the cool down time or even just add some kind of limited ammo like heatsinks or something and keep all other stats the same. I highly doubt they're gonna leave it alone since it's now become "meta" to a lot of players and it outshines many other anti armor options against bugs except maybe EATs
I've never had that happen in my 100+ dives between both bug and bot fronts with randoms every time. In fact, pretty much everyone else had their voice set to random and just focuses on completing the objective and spreading democracy
I remember a documentary touching on that subject but I think it was moreso related to the amount of sugar and processing the cocoa goes through before being sold on the market
I use the Kinggrinder K6 and it's pretty good for $100. It makes a pretty even grind and is built very we. Just a tad bit pricey imo but coffee related anything is expensive once you step past generic big brand things and start measuring and grinding your own beans
You guys don't just grab the stick of butter and rub it into the bread like a glue stick?
There's also the whole fact that you're less likely to get downvoted and berated to hell on lemmy. Still happens sometimes though if you openly present as American
Just imagine the initial costs and maintenance costs of those pipes. It's already expensive routing water for people's houses. It's much less costly to do what was done in the past and have regular deliveries for those products in a reusable glass container and regular pickups of those containers. You also wouldn't really get a choice on the variant of the liquid you want like the type of beer, oil, or milk since everyone has their own preference or needs like with allergies.
Imagine if someone moves into a new house with a beer service line installed and they don't drink beer. The beer in that line would go bad and get really disgusting and probably contaminate beer in the rest of the line. The same goes for milk too. Imagine how disgusting a pipe filled with months old milk would be. Even ultra high temperature pasteurization won't save it. Imagine if you get a leak in your milk or beer pipe. Imagine if gets too cold or hot for the liquid and you get really warm beer out of the line or a slushy beer solution.
If you can guarantee those service lines will be used regularly, then I can see it being worth it since the maintenance costs and installation costs would be outweighed by the savings. Beer lines from a brewery to bars makes sense since the bars will be regularly going through a constant supply of beer. But on a regular consumer level, it's not worth it.
Tl;dr It's a logistical nightmare.
In the US, those are pretty much the only option unless you know a local farmer or producer willing to sell in bulk directly to you
Spreading democracy > spreading cheeks