I keep my character voice to random. When my squad mates give me shit for pinging something and a girl voice comes out, I remind them that democracy knows no gender.
Helldivers 2
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I've never had that happen in my 100+ dives between both bug and bot fronts with randoms every time. In fact, pretty much everyone else had their voice set to random and just focuses on completing the objective and spreading democracy
I play with a regular group of guys, including my 2 brothers. So we give each other our fair share of shit.
democracy knows no gender.
Um, that's because your memory's only purpose is to second the Marketing Dept's wildly successful Democracy™ roll-out with vignettes from childhood onward of glorious liberty striven for in all ways.
If it weren't for these endless nasty fucking bugs, I might have half a second to come to realize... Everything is a big fucking LI-
transmission lost...
Glad to see the Democracy Officer took care of this nonsense.
Posted this in my group chat. This is the response I got:
Is that a ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ in your pants or are you just happy to see me?
"Hurr hurr, don't introduce woke propaganda, stay neutral" - true heroes know that only socio-fascist Automatons use words like "propaganda"
Ok but why does the Spartan have cat ears?
Have you ever seen a soldier with cat ears in the wild? No? See? That's how hard to spot they are
Tactical directional microphones. To enhance a Spartan's hearing.
I think the better question is why isn't this just using the original template from red versus blue?
Remember, "FREEDOM"