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Everything about Lemmy; bugs, gripes, praises, and advocacy.

For discussion about the lemmy.ml instance, go to [email protected].

founded 4 years ago
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We're adding the ability to customize this in the upcoming release, but I'm wondering what people think would be a good default.

The 4 pieces of showable/hideable info are: Upvotes, Downvotes, Score, and Upvote %.

In Jerboa, I had a temporary default (until the next lemmy release), of Score + Upvote %, but people seem to dislike this a lot.

I'll check back on this in a few days to see the result.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey dear community, we just launched today our fully managed hosting of Lemmy

We offer to do Deployment / Security / DNS / SMTP / Monitoring / Alerts / Backups / Automated updates / Handle migrations / Fully automated but with Human support :)

We deploy each instance on a dedicated VM, and we provide full root access as well if you want to customize anything.

Pricing start at $10/month (billed hourly, no contract)


I would love to get some feedback from the community


I guess I'm not the only one that happens to this, I follow communities with the same theme in different instances, it's not unusual then to see the same link sent by the same person in both, not a crosspost, the same link sent separately. ¿Is there any, let's say, correct protocol on how to interact with this? You know, do I vote for both? One positive and the other I ignore? What if I want to comment? Do I make the same comment on both?


instead of

image: postgres:16-alpine


image: pgautoupgrade/pgautoupgrade:16-alpine

Then all the upgrade instructions of backup->update->import backups go away and all you need to do is restart the docker container. (still keep backups though!)

Reference: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/pull/4892/files

Since that pull request was merged, this will simplify future updates like 0.19.6 or 0.20.0

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If you are using https://github.com/wereii/lemmy-thumbnail-cleaner please stop and disable it as soon as possible.

We have found a security issue that allows any user to make LTC delete any locally hosted image.

I will be posting more details soon and editing this to include the information.

E: More information here https://github.com/wereii/lemmy-thumbnail-cleaner/issues/10


Is it maybe planned to be able to set a custom tag for a community instead of one pulled from the url? I reckon there are many communities where this would make more sense.

Like the community i am moderating is c/bicycle_touring, but i think #biketouring and #bikepacking are the hashtags that are being used on mastodon for this stuff.


EDIT: Looked a little deeper/better on GitHub and found this issue, #4865 which is likely the most related issue, and it seems the devs are aware.

It also seems to be a recent v19.5 -ish issue too from some of the comments there

I seem to be encountering what may be a bug with pinning/featuring posts ... interested if anyone's got similar/counter experiences

The issue is that the pinning of a post doesn't get federated correctly.

The conditions, AFAICT are:

  • Post originates from a "federated instance" (IE, an instance other than the community's home instance)
  • The mod action of pinning is also done by a moderator on a "federated instance"
  • Lemmy versions 19.4 or greater (much more tentative, but from a brief perusal, it seems true)

The effect seems to be:

  • The pinning works fine on the "home instance" of the community
  • But federation breaks in two slightly different ways:
    • No pinning occurs
    • If a mod on a "federated instance" tries to pin, after an initially failed federation of "pinning", it will succeed on the federated instance only temporarily

The last dynamic is hopefully a clue to what could be happening (sounds like some queued tasks colliding in an incorrect way)


I input my password.

It refuses to log me in. Says 'Passwords must be between 10 and 60 characters'

I delete the last few characters. Now it lets me log in.

no bueno


So yesterday I was posting up a storm, posts that would've gone down as the best posts of all time! But randomly my home instance reset and the posts and replies I made in the ten minutes before, all got orphaned. They're still there, but replies to them don't get sent to me. Anyway, it's one of those edge cases that no one would likely ever face again, but thought I'd share.


is there a particular third party app that's useful? or should it all be handled from a desktop website


Reposted from: https://lemmings.world/post/10530999

Please what are the easiest and fastest steps in order to find backup of a currently unavailable post thanks to no longer running Lemmy instance?

Lets say it is this post we are reading, that become offline. I am not asking for the links to instances that hosts it, but for the way on how to discover all the instances myself.

So far I have found only this way:

  1. open largest instances list: https://lemmyverse.net/?order=posts&open=true
  2. open one after another and under magnifier button, search for the same post ID (number) as your dead link has
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What is Lemmy?

Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top.


This is a smaller bugfix release, with the following changes:



Full Changelog

Upgrade instructions

Follow the upgrade instructions for ansible or docker.

If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our support forum or on the Matrix Chat.

Thanks to everyone

We'd like to thank our many contributors and users of Lemmy for coding, translating, testing, and helping find and fix bugs. We're glad many people find it useful and enjoyable enough to contribute.

Support development

We (@dessalines and @nutomic) have been working full-time on Lemmy for over three years. This is largely thanks to support from NLnet foundation, as well as donations from individual users.

If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development. A recurring donation is the best way to ensure that open-source software like Lemmy can stay independent and alive, and helps us grow our little developer co-op to support more full-time developers.


This seems to be the case from what I've seen and from a quick check just now.

Is this intentionally so? Is it likely to remain so?

Not that I have any problems with it. I'm just thinking about trying to run a poll through lemmy's current features (where native polls are in the roadmap anyway). And I figure, for simple polls, a bunch of comments for each option in a locked thread where people can only up vote would roughly do the trick (except that a voter would know the results ahead of time).


Is it possible to make upvotes/downvotes on my own posts (and comments on my posts) visible, while making everyone else's invisible on the Lemmy website? I like making upvotes & downvotes invisible, because it makes it harder for me to be biased on what I upvote or downvote, based on the amount of upvotes/downvotes posts/comments already have from others. But on the other hand, I would still like to see how many upvotes & downvotes my own posts have, and how many upvotes & downvotes the comments below my post have. Thanks.


something that didn't get mentioned in the announcement but I think is nice, the Chat view has been fixed!


I believe it was fixed here https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ui/pull/2480

it even allows sorting in either direction, you can do Chat view with New or Old sort!


In my profile it says my cake day is today (June 13), but it was displaying a cake icon on my comments all day yesterday (June 12).

The icon was a black and white outline so I thought maybe it was showing it the day before on purpose so other people would see ahead of time, and that it would turn colorful on the actual day. But then midnight hit and it disappeared, so it must be a bug instead.


What is Lemmy?

Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top.

Major Changes

This v0.19.4 release is a big one, with > 200 pull requests merged since v0.19.3. As such we can only give a general overview of the major changes in this post, and without going into detail. For more information, read the full changelogs at the bottom of this post.

Local Only Communities

Communities have a new visibility setting, which can be either Public (current behaviour) or LocalOnly. The latter means that the community won't federate, and can only be viewed by users who are logged in to the local instance. This can be useful for meta communities discussing moderation policies of the local instance, where outside users shouldn't be able to participate. It is also a first step towards implementing private communities. Local only communities still need more testing and should be considered experimental for now.

Image Proxying

There is a new config option called image_mode which provides a way to proxy external image links through the local instance. This prevents deanonymization attacks where an attacker uploads an image to his own server, embeds it in a Lemmy post and watches the IPs which load the image.

Instead if image_mode is set to ProxyAllImages, image urls are rewritten to be proxied through /api/v3/image_proxy. This can also improve performance and avoid overloading other websites. The setting works by rewriting links in new posts, comments and other places when they are inserted in the database. This means the setting has no effect on posts created before the setting was activated. And after disabling the setting, existing images will continue to be proxied. It should also be considered experimental.

Many thanks to @asonix for adding this functionality to pict-rs v0.5.

Post hiding

You can now hide a post as a dropdown option, and there is a new toggle to filter hidden posts in lemmy-ui. Apps can use the new show_hidden field on GetPosts to enable this.

Moderation enhancements

With the URL blocklist admins can prevent users from linking to specific sites.

Admins and mods can now view the report history and moderation history for a given post or comment.

The functionality to resolve reports automatically when a post is removed was previously broken and is now fixed. Additionally, reports for already removed items are now ignored.

The site.content_warning setting lets admins show a message to users before rendering any content. If it is active, nsfw posts can be viewed without login.

Mods and admins can now comment in locked posts.

Mods and admins can also use external tools such as LemmyAutomod for more advanced tools.


There is a new functionality for users to list all images they have previously uploaded, and delete them if desired. It also allows admins to view and delete images hosted on the local instance.

When uploading a new avatar or banner, the old one is automatically deleted.

Instance admins should also checkout lemmy-thumbnail-cleaner which can delete thumbnails for old posts, and free significant amounts of storage.


Lemmy can now federate with Wordpress, Discourse and NodeBB. So far there was only minor testing and these projects are still under heavy development. If you encounter any issues federating with these platforms, open an issue either in the Lemmy repo or in the respective project's issue tracker. You can test it by fetching the following posts:

In order to improve interoperability with Mastodon and other microblogging platforms, Lemmy now automatically includes a hashtag with new posts. The hashtag is based on the community name, so posts to /c/lemmy will automatically have the hashtag #lemmy. This makes Lemmy posts much easier to discover.

Reliability and security of federation have been improved, and numerous bugs squashed. Signed fetch was broken and is fixed now.

Vote display user setting

There is now a user setting to change the way vote counts are displayed, called vote display mode.

You can specify which of the following vote data you'd like to see (or hide): Upvotes, Downvotes, Score, Upvote Percentage, or none of the above. The default (based on user feedback) is showing the upvotes + downvotes.

App developers will need to update their apps to support this setting.

RSS Feeds

RSS feeds now include post thumbnail and embedded images.

Security Audit

A security audit was recently performed on Lemmy. Big thanks to Radically Open Security for the generous funding, and to Sabrina Deibe and Joe Neeman for carrying out the audit. The focus was on federation logic, and discovered various problems in this area. Most of the problems are being mitigated as part of this release. Fortunately no critical security vulnerabilities were discovered.

This is already the third security audit of Lemmy, all organized by ROS. We're greatly indebted to them for their support.

Other Changes

Full Changelog

Upgrade instructions

Warning: This version requires both a Postgres and Pictrs version upgrade, which requires manual intervention.

Follow the upgrade instructions for ansible or docker.

If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our support forum or on the Matrix Chat.

Thanks to everyone

We'd like to thank our many contributors and users of Lemmy for coding, translating, testing, and helping find and fix bugs. We're glad many people find it useful and enjoyable enough to contribute.

Special thanks goes to Radically Open Security, @sleepless and @matc-pub for their work on lemmy-ui and lemmy-ui-leptos, @dullbananas for their help cleaning up the back-end, DB, and reviewing PRs, @phiresky for federation work, @MV-GH for their work on Jerboa and API suggestions, @asonix for developing pictrs, @ticoombs and @codyro for helping maintain lemmy-ansible, @kroese, @povoq, @flamingo-cant-draw, @aeharding, @Nothing4U, @db0, @MrKaplan, for helping with issues and troubleshooting, and too many more to count.

Support development

We (@dessalines and @nutomic) have been working full-time on Lemmy for over three years. This is largely thanks to support from NLnet foundation, as well as donations from individual users.

If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development. A recurring donation is the best way to ensure that open-source software like Lemmy can stay independent and alive, and helps us grow our little developer co-op to support more full-time developers.


I'm sure this will get clarified in the release notes for 19.4, and I'm probably annoyingly jumping the gun ... I'm just curious.

Otherwise, I find it cool to see this feature come out!


I host my own Lemmy instance and have a user account on it that I use everywhere (I don't host local communities, I just use it as a home for my Lemmy user account). I needed to re-home my Lemmy server, and though it's a docker installation, copying the /var/lib/docker/volumes/lemmy_* directories to the new installation didn't work. So I created a new Lemmy server.

How can I move my old account to the new server, so I can keep all my subscriptions and post/comment history?


always wondered this, but kept forgetting to post it

eg users would be on @[email protected] and a community would be on @[email protected] or something like that

then it would still follow the AP spec but still allow for identical identifiers (like a user account being @[email protected] and a community also being [[email protected]](/c/[email protected]))


Did I miss something? The site is pretty much broken, I can't post, and I can't view my profile, etc. I guess the site was shutdown but can't find any info


This is just to followup from my prior post on latencies increasing with increasing uptime (see here).

There was a recent update to lemmy.ml (to 0.19.4-rc.2) ... and everything is so much snappier. AFAICT, there isn't any obvious reason for this in the update itself(?) ... so it'd be a good bet that there's some memory leak or something that slows down some of the actions over time.

Also ... interesting update ... I didn't pick up that there'd be some web-UI additions and they seem nice!


Just a general observation I've made in my time on lemmy.ml, which I figure is attributable to lemmy the software, that may or may not be useful.

I'm talking about writing comments to posts (or replies to other comments, not sure if I've seen a difference).

And, just anecdotally, it seems that the longer the instance has been up without a restart or update (AFAICT of course), the longer the time between me clicking the Reply button and the time that the request is completed.

Usually, the first sign in my experience that the instance has been restarted is that this latency speeds right up to being almost instantaneous.

Anyone else notice the same or on other instances? It might be a clue to performance issues??

EDIT: applies to posts too (including this one incidentally)


I saw that the community i moderate is available on blahaj.zone, and it has pulled some old comments, but new ones did not federate. There is also an old stickied post still stickied.

https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/c/[email protected]

I assume somone from that instance had the c subscribed at some point, but then unsubscribed, so new comments and actions did not federate. If now somebody on that instance would subscribe again - will the obsolete sticky post just stay there forever? Because i am not sending the mod activity again to unsticky it?

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