And The Elder Scrolls is an epic ballad written by Gurney Halleck.
Remember when the GOP sued google because its spam filters were too effective?
You were just that good at circumventing it. You had to be double-banned in response.
He is a certain type of anti-intellectual who believes "nothing is true unless I discover it myself."
Education is useless, truth is a lie, etc, etc.
So he destroys everything he touches until he can recreate knowledge himself, poorly, expensively, and redundantly. Then declares himself a genius for getting back to basically where the rest of humanity already was years ago.
Seriously. The only people willing to pay what it's "worth" will end up doing the same thing (or worse).
What we need are some actual privacy laws with teeth, so that the data isn't worth as much to begin with.
The year they won the SB, they topped the league in O-Line spending. The next year, as contracts ran out or were otherwise shed, they dropped to 6th but made the SB again.
From the 2015 season through 2024, they've only been in the top half of the league once (barely, 2017, ranking 16th) while winning three playoff games total over those 10 years.
They've lived the success and the failure of a team-building theory, but refuse to learn the obvious lesson. Insanity.
FH4 and 5 are effectively MMOs. There is plenty to do alone, and the other players can mostly be ignored, but it's still a shared world.
1 and 2 are good, but show their age a bit.
Same devs later made wreckfest, also available on GOG, and it's a blast. Some modes can be a little frustrating (IMHO) but overall strongly recommended. A sequel is coming soon.
Not a lore expert, so if anyone else challenges me on this, they're almost certainly right.
The world was flat at one point, but canonically became round at the end of the second age (before LOTR). That said, some beings can still perceive the world differently. Primarily this is in reference to elves' ability to just piss off and leave the world behind, but maybe all non-humans have some latent ability to see things humans can't?
Especially with a company that once decided they owned "scrolls" in any video game title.