
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 57 minutes ago

Well, I'm officially an unemployed bum this weekend. Today was the last day at the job I've had for the last 5 years.

That's because a competitor gave me a better offer, and I'm starting there on Monday. I was going to get a haircut, but I realized that the lack of one, combined with not having shaved in a while, makes me look the part for Saturday and Sunday.

So... I'll be clearing out my phone and laptop of anything pertaining to the old job, I guess.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

I loved having a Note 2 ages ago. But since then, the styluses that are paired with phones seem so awfully plastic and cheap. I use a pretty standard phone nowadays, but I'm keeping my eyes open for a phone with a good high quality stylus that has its resting place in a niche in the phone itself. Any suggestions?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

I'm a European who was actually pleasantly surprised by the little of Alabama I've seen. Probably because I avoid discussing politics in my travels. Spent a week or thereabouts in Mobile. I'm not sure how representative that is for the rest of the state.

Oh, and I drove west for a while to this tiny place called Gulfport. I think that was in the next state over, though.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 19 hours ago (9 children)

Awesome to hear. Where to, roughly?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 23 hours ago

I've seen that video too. As far as I can remember, it doesn't show any trains, power plants, refineries, chemical plants, or pumps, and that's where the dieselpunk aestetic really kicks in.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 19 hours ago) (2 children)

Don't forget Dieselpunk. That's the aestetic that best describes the visual style of Factorio

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago

Everything from 2300 to 0300

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago

If you take "Final fantasy tic tacs" literally, it sounds like pills laced with LOADS of fentanyl.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (4 children)

I still chuckle every time I see that posted unironically, as if it's a nickname that's going to stick.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

A radio either turned to an AM station far away to the point where it's mostly brown noise with hints of someone speaking, or to some calm music.

Nowadays it's mostly KnowledgeFight.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

Not sure when it started, plus my personal experience with JD stems from a tractor that was built in the 70's. I think the model was 1033 or thereabouts.


Basically what the title says. Here's the thing: address exhaustion is a solved problem. NAT already took care of this via RFC 1631. While initially presented as a temporary fix, anyone who thinks it's going anywhere at this point is simply wrong. Something might replace IPv4 as the default at some point, but it's not going to be IPv6.

And then there are the downsides of IPv6:

  • Not all legacy equipment likes IPv6. Yes, there's a lot of it out there.
  • "Nobody" remembers an IPv6 address. I know my IPv4 address, and I'm sure many others do too. Do you know your IPv6 address, though?
  • Everything already supports IPv4
  • For IPv6 to fully replace IPv4, practically everything needs to move over. De facto standards don't change very easily. There's a reason why QWERTY keyboards, ASCII character tables, and E-mail are still around, despite alternatives technically being "better".
  • Dealing with dual network stacks in the interim is annoying.

Sure, IPv6 is nice and all. But as an addition rather than as a replacement. I've disabled it by default for the past 10 years, as it tends to clutter up my ifconfig overview, and I've had no ill effects.

Source: Network engineer.


....så det så

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Controversial hot take, I know... but in certain cases, normalcy and routine is the desired state. After a long weekend of family events, too many kids (of which most are my own), too many pets (of which roughly half are my own), and the house being drafty with the entire in-law clan and then some for the past few days, things are now finally back to normal.

Kids are in school, SO at work, and I'm in my home "office" (I use my bedroom), arranging the coming week. I schedule most things to "ot today" because now it's MY time. When picking up some supplies this morning I even bought one single beer that is for my lunch, and beyond that my work day will mostly be centered around waiting for various balls that are in other people's courts.

Anyone else who usually welcome mondays when they arrive?


...and I don't know which possibility is the least worrying


cross-posted from:

What are some interesting communities on Matrix worth checking out?

Title, pretty much. I'm in a couple of niche communities, and thought I should expa d into more generalized communities. All things tech are of interest, really.

Which communities are you in?


Title, pretty much. I'm in a couple of niche communities, and thought I should expa d into more generalized communities. All things tech are of interest, really.

Which communities are you in?


So, my employer suggested that it would be good for me, professionally, to get my certifications up to speed, and told me to pick a few that I found the most relevant at their expense. As I mainly deal with networks and Linux servers, and have done so for decades at this point, this was easy enough: renewing my CCNA that I took some 20 years ago, as well as getting my CCNP. The latter of which is closely related to what I already do.

However, my employer decided that I must pursue at least one Microsoft certification, and I honestly don't know where to start, as the only microsoft software I use is Outlook.

I've been thinking of my status as the walking embodiment of the "old man yells at cloud"-meme, and thinking it's probably time to turn into "old man embraces cloud". I know that a lot of our infrastructure runs in azure (something with which I have no experience. I did use some Oracle cloud VMs at one point, that's it.), and I know there was a huge ordeal last year that involved doing a lot of dataprocessing on temporary azure architecture, and I figure I should probably get in on that at some point.

Is perhaps something Azure related my best bet?

UPDATE: I was going to go for some azure stuff, but I resigned instead. Let's see if my new employer is willing to pick up the tab instead.


12 Years ago I had a Sony Vaio. I quite liked it. Then in my next job, 2017 or so, I went for a Toshiba Portege, and absolutely loved it.

Guess what the above two have in common? Yup, they stopped making laptops for the professional market. So now I'm a bit at a loss. Any recommendations?


  • Lightweight and easy to carry around.
  • 13-15" display, preferably
  • Decent battery life
  • It absolutely must have an RJ45
  • Works well with linux
  • Good keyboard quality
  • ISO keyboard availability
  • Touchpad. Bonus points if it has the touchpad buttons ABOVE the pad itself.

Summarized back story of this legendary beauty: When NZ was drawn into WW2, some heroes began thinking of armored defense. Bob Semple decided to make one, making this the best (and only) Kiwi tank ever built.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/norge

En tanke slo meg tidligere: Nå som den geopolitiske sikkerhetssituasjonen er littegranne mere skjør enn før, og mange land ruster opp, så er grensevakt på sin plass. Og med tanke på at vi har en enormt lang grense mot sverige så bør denne og bemannes, selv om de også er på vei inn i NATO. Men som de fleste her kanskje er enige i, så er faren for invasjon noen av veiene ganske lav.

Hva ville den diplomatiske effekten vært om Norge bestemte seg for å utplassere en garnison på svinesund bestående av kun én soldat? Delvis fordi jeg synes grensekontroll er viktig, og delvis fordi litt lavterskel skjitkasting over grensa (begge veier) er på sin plass.

Mest fordi at jeg er overtrøtt så har jeg et lite ønske om at dette skjer, og at situasjonen eskalerer til en anspent stillingskrig hvor sverige svarer med samme mynt og sender sin egen soldat. Da får korpen vår (han må seff minst være korporal, han er jo tross alt vaktsjef, garnisonsleder, sambandsmann, samt lagfører) selskap av noen han kan prate skjit med. Slikt blir det god stemning av.

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