It always works somehow when I start a new job. That's the way of life. Enjoy it. 😎
At least, Skynet does not discriminate minorities.
#weiterso Wenn der so weiter macht, entgehen wir entgehen wir seinem Regime hoffentlich.
I bet he gets scammed over frequently by self-proclaimed Microsoft support staff.
That's nice, but can't we block TikTok on all platforms, so we can get rid of it already?
How can I know that I'm not a bot? A bot can have any traumatizing childhood memories implanted. Will this make it human? I doubt.
Das ist leider nur die Spitze des Eisbergs: Man schaue sich dazu den Vortrag zu den Databroker Files vom 38C3 an.
Suck on this, fruit computing company!
I grew up with this game, since we had SEGA consoles, no Nintendos. The later game is a little tough, though. I still really enjoy this game. Just the first levels are a little slow-paced.
I started collecting stickers, since I don't dare messing up my furniture and stuff.
I only stick them on immediately when I have planned it ahead. But then I buy or print the stickers on purpose.
The upper one depicts the guys around me. I can go through the lower one, but the result is usually this.
This happened to me twice, but it was twitter (long before Musk took over). They held my account hostage in exchange to my phone number - which I refused to give them.
Despite the ban, their system still sent me their annoying newsletter. It also took me 3 support tickets to get my account deleted and stop receiv8ng emails.