Yeah I've been thinking about it and I can't find any other way to classify it... even the packaging though doesn't call it a sausage
I've never heard anyone refer to a hotdog as a sausage in the states either and I even grew up poor
They meant it makes your breath bad and hardens your arteries
I've had gay sex with a bunch of women since getting my vasectomy, highly recommend
$10 an ounce is incredible wow
Smoking the last of my hash right now, and absolutely salivating over yours. That looks amazing. What strain is it?
I'm medical in a legal state and got told I was "wasting (the interviewer's) time" because they're DOT (it was a job as a barge deckhand). Meanwhile all those dudes get wasted pretty much at all times, I found White Claw cans strewn around the worksite. Jah forbid I smoke a fuckin' joint in my own living room though!
Currently singing Amazing Grace to the tune of House of the Rising Sun
Complaining about not using the Oxford comma
Mighty fine glass house you're living in bro
Truly Jah has smiled on you today damn, that's awesome dude. How's it smoke after being neglected in there?
Well yeah but he had a 1-in-250000 change of getting a full refund
The extra fibre is worth it