Pretty sure I read somewhere that people are more intimidated by bladed weapons than guns because a gun can only hurt in one direction.
Idk if this is true though it was a while ago that I read this.
Pretty sure I read somewhere that people are more intimidated by bladed weapons than guns because a gun can only hurt in one direction.
Idk if this is true though it was a while ago that I read this.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Yeah but then you still have to paint it again because she doesn't like it.
I was thinking a gun from warframe
I mean have you seen Boebert?
She's dumb as a rock but she's pretty damn hot.
And after the Hunter Biden dick pics it's only fair we nudify the entire republican party.
I think they were meaning they cut out the ass grab but left in the cock straddling.
Yeah doesn't seem like a good tactic to me.
Honestly this whole thing is gonna set precedence and simple game mechanics are gonna get copyrighted in ways that will only make gaming as a whole even worse than it already is.
Coming from the party that exposed a man's dick pics because his father was president?
Eastern EU
Yeah that would be why. I live in the states.
Yes and no. If it was a review about the food when you've never eaten there that's a fake review. If you're leaving a negative review because one of their employees did something despicable that's completely different.
It helps that eggs are a large part of my diet. I just fuckin love eggs.
You leave my broke ass alone