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We are a community dedicated to discussion surrounding the political right.

People of all political views are welcome here, but we expect a high level of discussion from everyone.

-Good Faith participation only. take hollow shit slinging elsewhere please
-Stay on topic. should be obvious
-Follow instance rules. They pay the bills, they get to set rules.

founded 1 year ago
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Or more like under new management.

After a while of being dead due to the only moderation here being overburdened instance admins, leading to the handful of people contributing here giving up, we can rejoice as now we've moved on to the next worst option for moderation, Me!

I hope to make this a community where we can have decent discussions, centered around the political right, in a manner that's hopefully less brain melting than the typical front page content here or back on reddit.

But what does this mean for you, the person still reading this train wreck of a post? well, thanks for hypothetically asking. It really helped move this post along. The short of it is, there are going to be rules now. like it or not, thems the shakes. so then what are these rules, you conveniently ask in order to make this bit keep on going past its expiration date?

well, first off, we gotta follow the instance rules. They pay the bills that keep these 1s and 0s flowing to your screen, so we have to listen to what they say. For those of you browsing from somewhere inconvenient to check the sidebar here, the rules are pasted below:

-Be respectful. Everyone should feel welcome here.
-No bigotry - including racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia.
-No Ads / Spamming.
-No pornography.

Beyond that, I aim to run things on a system closer to a bro code than a hard and fast set of rules.

I hope to make this a community where we can have decent discussions, centered around the political right

To that end, the number one thing I want to enforce is good faith. if you're unsure, take a moment before posting that comment, and ask yourself, what kind of response would you want someone who disagrees with you have to it. if the answer isn't "they can express why they believe otherwise" there's a good chance that you're on the wrong track.

beyond that, try and keep things on topic. that should be obvious, but it merits saying. it should be at least somewhat apparent why you've chosen to post here. if not, I may ask you to either post elsewhere, or edit such that the tie is more clear. nobody here is a mind reader (yet). what may be obvious to you is going to require scooby and the gang to unmask it for someone else.

and that's really all i have to say for now. if you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Straight up race bait


Just in case you thought Newsom couldn't get any worse...


while i can see good intent behind this, it definitely seems like a significant overreach, and not particularly helpful for actually solving real issues.


Regardless of your stance on the current conflict, I hope we can all agree that the degree to which it's bleeding over into the US and causing violence is highly troubling.


We seriously need to get spineless rats unwilling to stand up for anything out of congress and replace them with people actually willing to do anything other than hand the democrats the keys to making the country worse.


Sincere question


What are some innovative ideas to come out of conservatism in recent years? Could you provide me with examples of policies coming from the conservative / republican party?


In leftist spaces, right-leaning ideas are challenged. In right-leaning spaces, leftists are banned and leftist ideas are censored. Why are conservatives opposed to the free marketplace of ideas?

Serious question.

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