
joined 11 months ago
[–] SquiffSquiff 1 points 9 hours ago
[–] SquiffSquiff 8 points 17 hours ago

It's very mass market, not particularly well informed general news source and this is a specialist community where this is relevant to its specialist field

[–] SquiffSquiff 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)
[–] SquiffSquiff 6 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Thanks, further information could be interesting. Do you know if it requests connectivity on every startup?

[–] SquiffSquiff 10 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Because it's not principally about privacy. I don't want adverts or forced changes to the product I purchased made after sale.

[–] SquiffSquiff 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Not sure what you mean by "seek access through open wifi"

Stuff like this

[–] SquiffSquiff 13 points 2 days ago (6 children)

My reason for stipulating that is that lot of people saying it do so either from ignorance (they simply don't believe/understand that you might not be able to opt out) or on the basis of outdated information, e.g. "I bought my TV ten years ago and never had to do this". Your experience being in the recent past I guess I could try this as a sale stipulation point, thanks.

[–] SquiffSquiff 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Thanks, don't need touch and the price is a bit on the heavy side

[–] SquiffSquiff 2 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Great! Could you link a 60" monitor?

[–] SquiffSquiff 2 points 2 days ago

Thanks, neither of these seem to go over 43"

[–] SquiffSquiff 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I'm guessing those aren't as big and you have to buy them by the hundred

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by SquiffSquiff to c/asklemmy

I am considering replacing my old 50" 1080p TV which I use with (external) Chromecast and Roku. I would like a 4K display 60" or greater but I really, really don't want any smart features. I am aware that I could purchase a commercial display to achieve this and that's my fallback option. Can anyone here make any useful recommendations? I am in the UK so e.g. 'Sceptre' is not available here.

In advance, with respect, I am technically capable (check my post history) but could I ask to please avoid threads along the lines of:

  • 'non-smart TVs aren't a thing' - fallback is a commercial display
  • 'Nobody wants/buys non-smart TVs' - I do
  • 'Any TV not connected to internet is dumb'/ 'Just don't connect it' - This is no longer true since many TVs require a setup before use involving internet access and/or will seek access via open wifi/bluetooth/HDMI.



Some commenters seem to be struggling with the 'why do you care if it connects?'. Some examples why:

[–] SquiffSquiff 2 points 2 days ago

Thanks!. Two posters suggesting I try here so I'll try that first and maybe this forum if not because what I want to ask about is a TV so not audio!


I'd like to ask about home entertainment hardware - I would have thought there would be an existing community or few but I am struggling to find any - can anyone point the way?


Trigger warning: self harm

Caitlyn Scott-Lee, 16, is thought to have taken her own life the day before she was due to have her first ever detention

The father of an autistic schoolgirl who is believed to have taken her own life the day before she was due to have her first ever detention has paid tribute to his “daddy’s girl” at the inquest into her death.


She should have said - well we tried calling first but were on the phone for quite a while- you said our call was important to you and you were 'experiencing an unusually high volume of calls'...

Lemmy 0.19 compatibility? (self.lemmyconnect)
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by SquiffSquiff to c/[email protected]

Two instances I have accounts with have switched to Lemmy 0.19. This is a breaking change for many apps, including Connect. Is there any news re supporting this in the near future or is it time to look for another app?


This is now working for me (at least for 2 separate instances) with Connect version 1.0.153 (details in comments below). Thanks so much for rapid response!


Re-posting one of my posts from the other place

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