it has been released to the ether
no. it's my personal experience.
a junior dev asked me one time about our dev test environments. I chuckled before starting to look him dead in the eyes for 50 seconds straight without saying a single word, but my lips quivering. he had audible gasps as if to speak, but was ultimately speechless the entire time. he understood though. I could tell from the 1ml tear that formed only on his left eye. he pushed. prod crashed. we stayed late on a friday. management ordered pizza. I'm lonely and I love pizza. was all part of the plan.
almost always cheaper to buy generic screens and have something output whatever you want to them than buying specialized screen hardware with specific software and requirements to load shit into a system.
alias alias='alias'
I saw spez at the mall one time when I was Christmas early shopping. I recognized him, but I'm not gonna treat a CEO like a celebrity, so I just mind my own business. a while later, I was waiting to get a ticket for the AMC there, Steve Huffman goes up to a kid who is holding popcorn and starts to eat some out of the bucket. The mom tells him to stop and pulls the kid back, but spez just smacks the popcorn out of the kids hands and screams at the mom in the face really loudly (not actual words, literally a scream). popcorn everywhere. the kid is now crying and the mom is at a loss of words and looks so stressed to be in that situation and is about to cry too. At this point, I need to do something. I go up to the situation and tell spez to back off immediately. as a response, he tries to kick me in the balls (missed and tripped a bit), then makes cringry hissing noises.
I won't upgrade til they let me use throttlestop with virtualization enabled.
Apple changed it too? I literally had a coworker gloat about how they're glad they switched to apple since their iPhone would NEVER do that bc Apple is an "ethical company".
dude rhymes banks with banks. never thought he was a great rapper but this is a real one. surprised any label would let a big artist put this out.
I met Steve one time waiting in line at rite aid and he told me he hates dessert and hugs. that's weird I thought. I was holding a drink and he smacked it out of my hand. then he pointed at something on my shirt. I was concerned I had an embarrassing stain or something, but I went to look down at it, he fucking hits me in the face. I hate Steve man.
"doesn't hurt to ask"
me panicking because I have to ask