What's next? Rename New Mexico? Oh how about the Capital District of CoLuMbiA!?!? Wait the United States is just one country among many in just one of the American continents. Why not call it the Gulf of the Americas?
Are we the Ferengi?
Samosas, latkes, poutin, potato leek soup enter the chat.
You could easily split a single one of these sandwiches four ways and share some of their delicious side orders as well.
I agree with the sentiment but the order of words in the title and text appear a bit weird to me. For instance, "totally lost grasp..." and "can't even seem to..." make more sense to me than how it was posted.
You can purchase the game in a web browser and use steamcmd, which (one could argue is still requiring an app) to download and install. In cases where the publisher is not invoking DRM (Larian games like BG3, DoS2, etc. for instance) once the game is downloaded you can certainly archive it and transfer it to another machine and run it there without Steam. In the end you are likely purchasing proprietary software (though again it's not always the case on Steam) and we could say you don't really own that either, so maybe take your complaints to the publishers or just use the power of your wallet and not buy those games and support libre games, of which there are many, another way. That said, Valve is actively making things better for users by developing and contributing to useful libre software like Proton (WINE, DXVK, etc) that can work outside of Steam.
Sibylle is such an enchanting musician. I also enjoy the work of Liz Durrett. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCukvOSSs5UE4ls7efJkhOLA
They couldn't be bothered to show a banana for reference.
Almost easier to set up a share or ssh on the pc and use an easily installed app like Ghost Commander to connect and transfer.
Gilligan's space station
I wonder if their flight home after return to earth will involve a Boeing aircraft?
Regardless, we would need some understanding of the subtle and complex effects of leaving the planet before we could mitigate issues that would arise.