If you need a new car, appliance or whatever, buy it now.
Just as long as you don't put it all on at once.
Anything that came out when I was a kid or earlier is retro so anything pre 2000 is retro. Post is modern.
At what point are they no longer "theories"?
I stick to 12s but tonight is the first of 9 nights straight.
I left an $84k/yr IT job and I currently work as an ER Tech making $19/hr. I won't say I'm happier but there is less stress.
I've blocked every news and politics sub I've come across and still have to hear about Drumpf daily, I'm getting real tired of this shit popping up everywhere.
2 days in and I'm ready to move out of my house since I live with my MAGA mother-in-law, she defends shit like this while my daughter and another of her grandkids are transitioning, I'm through.
It looks like they used wax paper instead of parchment paper.