
joined 11 months ago
[–] ChihuahuaOfDoom 2 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

I have to agree, politically motivated or not he needs to take the L and move on.

[–] ChihuahuaOfDoom 1 points 1 hour ago

It takes a lot to get me to say WTF but what the fuck?

[–] ChihuahuaOfDoom 1 points 1 hour ago

They brought this on themselves, I mean look at what the GOP was wearing.

[–] ChihuahuaOfDoom 5 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

I always assumed but TIL Republicans are not Americans /s

[–] ChihuahuaOfDoom 1 points 11 hours ago

165 for birds and wild game, 145 for beef and pork.

[–] ChihuahuaOfDoom 20 points 21 hours ago (2 children)

70c is 158f, steak is well done at that temp.

[–] ChihuahuaOfDoom 5 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

The trees I've planted so far were purchased from the local DNR annual plant sale if that says anything.

[–] ChihuahuaOfDoom 16 points 1 day ago (3 children)

This is an interesting concept, it beats what I've been doing which is basically trespassing to plant trees on lots adjacent to my own. I planted about 40 on a neighboring lot and 60 on my own recently and I plan to do more.

[–] ChihuahuaOfDoom 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Any case against ceasefire is ludicrous.

[–] ChihuahuaOfDoom 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Just because you may not like the truth doesn't make it a lie. They don't have a pathway to 270 even if there is a mathematical possibility. Just because something is possible does not make it plausible.

[–] ChihuahuaOfDoom 1 points 2 days ago

Maybe Richard's ace, did you consider that? /s

[–] ChihuahuaOfDoom 13 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I hope he gets Steve Harvey to announce his running mate but he announces the wrong one and they have to take the crown and flowers back and give them to another girl... I may have this mixed up with something else.


I'm not ok.


I thought maybe I had accidentally put the screw in there myself but my only other box of this color I bought is 3-1/2"

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by ChihuahuaOfDoom to c/radiocontrolled

I saw this lot on marketplace yesterday with only 1 photo but I could see 2 of the chassis so I jumped on it. All told there are 6 chassis in various states of dress 40ish motors, 3 pistol transmitters, 8 or more twin stick transmitters, receivers, servos, only 1 or 2 speed controllers, 1 body, and a bunch of other stuff. Tomorrow if I have time I will start to organize, catalog and test everything.


They are going out to the run in the next week or two, I am building a new run for our older chickens this week so we can keep them separated for now.

He has a rough life (
submitted 1 month ago by ChihuahuaOfDoom to c/cat
submitted 1 month ago by ChihuahuaOfDoom to c/cat

Long story short, I'm a security guard and after a couple of months decided that with a history of suicidal ideation I probably shouldn't carry a pistol, I told the doctor at my work, they said I could no longer carry a pistol and I figured they were going to bring me in today (yesterday now), fire me and that's that. Well, somehow I was not fired, I got in at 1:30, sat for 2.5 hours waiting for something to happen and the people who should have done the firing just went the fuck home... So, I continued to sit. I sat until 9:00 when I was told to go collect trash from the various guard posts. Ok. Then they told me to report in tomorrow at 7:30am (I don't work at 7:30) and they would have me working days until "my issue is resolved". So tomorrow I'll just let them know that it's not going to be resolved, hopefully they can me then, if I quit I cannot claim un-employment. This is weird as hell because I may end up in a stalemate as a glorified janitor until I can find another job and resign.

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