How bout a 100% tarrif on spray tan
Lemmy Community for economy, business, politics, stocks, bonds, product releases, IPOs, advice, news, investment, videos, predictions, government, money, politics, debate, current trends and more.
This is literally fucking up the plans for my r&d company in a serious way.
Should've picked any other country mate.
I hear you, but as an example, Japan is one of the only few that make one of the particular alloys we need.
Do I want to support my local community? Yes.
Does my local community have the answers to everything, generally? No.
And we're a niche company, no way us steel is going to go through the expense of building the process for us.
In other news, the price of US made steel and aluminium increased by 24.9%.
Any bets on if he will actually follow through? Or is it gonna be 4 years of playing tariff chicken?
If you need a new car, appliance or whatever, buy it now.
used market about to blow up over the next 4 years
“I don’t believe you”
—Ron Burgundy
Cause that's how you spur the creation of domestic factories, don't ya know