In Ontario a few months ago there was a case of familicide, where a father killed his wife and two kids in a small community in the north, and then himself. Not much information released but rumour has it that he had a Gadsden flag on the property which is an American right wing extremism flag, and that he had been fired from his job for espousing conspiracy theories. Sometimes I think people just drive themselves crazy.
My SO is a sociopath. He's accusing me of withholding money from my paycheck, and took my phone out of my hand and threw it, and called me a deceptive little cunt, and a whole host of other things.
So gorgeous!
I'm honestly thinking about calling Crime Stoppers. This is child abuse.
I spoke to an expert in the field who suggested Crime Stoppers. I think that will be my angle. It's funny when they're doing their stupid stuff to themselves, but not to some poor kid.
No offense at all. This was beautiful and thank you for reminding me.
I can see how a tired cop would maybe miss the one that say Private, because they're kind of nondescript, but this one is wild.
Well the sister will get a nice coupon in return for her deed. Also this dude is Hispanic in Texas, and messing with the cops right now under those circumstances sure seems stupid.
I am goddamned gorgeous.
He's Hispanic too, so it's extra mins boggling.
On the outside yes haha. I think she stopped taking it after that. And it's the only one that works for me either. It's just so weird!
He had redeeming qualities but he is always a manipulator and liar under it all. I really should have left long ago. He seems different than typical douchy men in that he's progressive at least as a front, but he's said some racist shit to me in private when in a rage that speaks the truth to who he is, despite liking black history, etc. I keep thinking about his mother lately who I haven't seen in over 20 years, and the weird things she would do to pit her kids against each other, and dismay people by giving them gifts of literal trash. You know when people ask what the worst Christmas gift you ever got was? She would give me her very used bathrobe and other things that would be literally garbage to anyone else, that she had picked up off the ground, simply so people would be disturbed and provoked by her. She wore mosquito netting to her daughter's outdoor wedding because West Nile was an issue that year, and is smirking in all the pictures under it. My therapist calls this malignant narcissism, and while he doesn't give gifts of trash, instead he'll buy me something that's really unique and thoughtful, but if you understand the subtext it really all belongs to him, and it's so he can post pictures on Instagram to display his fine taste in things. If I moved out and tried to take those things with me, it would quickly become clear who they really belong to. I basically own my clothes, books, and toiletries, and everything else is his. It's partly why I can't move out.
I wish I had had children. But not with him. I would have liked to foster kids, I would be very good at that. I hold babies and kids at church all the time and will babysit their kids, and it's so much fun for me. I wish I had taken a different pathway. I grew up with a BPD mom, who is really dangerous and vicious and manipulative, and my therapist says when you've been traumatized by a parent like that, someone who is similar will seek you out and try and make it seem like they've rescued you.
I'm just sorry it all turned out this way. The rest of my life is reasonably happy if quiet, but this is a huge thing.
I know a cardiovascular tech who is a pediatric cardiologist in Pakistan. He feels lucky to have this job even though it's a waste of his talents, and worked as a security guard when he got here. I also know a psychiatrist from South Africa who was forced to work as a GP for five years in rural Nova Scotia before being able to practice in his field, a German psychiatrist who had to redo five years of residency, a Bolivian neurologist who became a PA and is redoing his residency, and my own GP was a respirologist in Croatia and had to go back through medical school to work here. It's a waste of much needed talent, and while there are certainly educational differences, surely we could create bridging programs for these doctors to get them up to our skill requirements and fast track them. Instead we continue to import people to work at Tim Hortons or simply not at all, in a housing crunch. It's a huge waste. International doctors often are the only ones who work in subspecialist clinics, because some specialities are not very well paid if you are Canadian and went to school here, so we really do need them.
The other problem nobody is addressing is how the Saudi government buys their doctors positions here and gives them large pensions for it, and they're sometimes not very qualified, and I've had some male residents who REALLY hate women because they're conservative Muslims and don't think they should have to work with us. The Saudi government will also demand their doctors come back whenever they want by taking away their pensions, and make them come back and work in hospitals there. They also will stop Saudi women from going to medical school here. I don't know how much money they hand our health care system, but it's hugely problematic and unethical.