Remember, the longest shutdown in US history was in 2019, GOP held the Presidency, Senate, and House (by a much wider margin.
Remember, the longest shutdown in US history was in 2019, GOP held the Presidency, Senate, and House (by a much wider margin.
Trump restarted it last term too. They only managed to build 8 percent of it before Biden revoked the approval again. The company then abandoned the project officially. It's just a political football at this point. Why bother putting money into something that will stall again in 2-4 years. That's not even considering the 25% tariff on the oil it would carry, if it were ever finished.
Thanks friend
GOP reps "lol, no thanks, I only care to visit you in August -September every 4 years because your votes overwhelmingly prove that is literally all that is required of me"
I highly doubt this bill goes anywhere. Democrats have a Trifecta in MN. Slim, but still. They were able to narrowly get it out of committee, but getting it to pass on the floor, or even brought to a vote at all, is a heavy lift. Id bet it never makes it to a floor vote and the Rs can say they tried. Committee votes are a very easy and non-significant way to "vote for something" without actually doing anything. Mainly because the overwhelming majority of Americans have no idea how government works and will take it at face value.
Even if it did somehow pass, no way Gov Walz signs it into law. That sends it back for a 2/3rds vote to overcome the veto and that certainly won't happen.
Yep. I work in a government office and the contracting companies have been out in force recruiting. "Resign, we'll hire you for six-figures. double dip pay till September" best part is, due to limited office space, all the contractors kept their telework status.
It takes forever to hire people, even without the current freeze. That gap has always been filled with well paid contractors who trade long term job security for lucrative 4- year contracts.
Should have thought about that before he selected these beauties
Not to mention triggering Article 5 for the rest of NATO and shattering every defense agreement at once. You know, Putin's wet dream.
Unfortunately impeachment is also meaningless. I don't see a circumstance where 67 senators would ever vote to convict.
The only thing that might work is to be barred from public office and placing the secret service under congressional control to enforce it. But since presidents are untouchable kings now, 2/3rds of Congress and state legislatures are never going to give that up when they could be the king one day themselves.
Nice! Mine is probably around 8 years old now. I had one section pull apart like you were saying, so maybe not user error. I ended up pulling up that section, replacing any price that seemed suspect, and glued the joints during reinstallation. That's actually what drove me to replace all the old T mold thresholds. But yeah, just that one defect across 900SqFt (84 SqM) isn't bad.
That's a good idea, thanks!
I can do you one better:
Like, I think they heard the bad scenario from a left of center person, that consolidation of wealth is bad, and went "well, if they hate it, then I love it!"