It isn't when it's for a normal person but we're talking about Trump here, the vengeful soon to be president who vows to take revenge on this enemies. They're putting on chapstick and puckering up.
Gotta kiss the new king's ass so he doesn't go after you.
I got the RE2 remake. I haven't played a survival horror since the original RE2 on PS1 when I was 10. I was never good at the game but now that I know not to treat it like an action game, it's goin pretty well.
They don't know there are 20 other life and death situations that came before them. GET. IN. LINE.
The ultra rich elite gather every year in a super secret game room with a giant monoply board. Look into it.
I took their advice and got comfortable not owning Ubisoft games.
I didn't forget but I put it all the way in the back to speed up the process and ended up with a slushy
He must be pro choice then, right? Right?
I don't need anymore fake content. Real people are doing an amazing job of that already.
The pink pill is so silly yet can be so useful.
Back when I had a lot more meetings, I would make a bulleted list so I can keep up but afterwards I add in more details while it's still fresh in my mind. I also liked to draw diagrams to help explain concepts, this is why I really liked One Note because I could seamlessly switch from typing to drawing freehand with my stylus. I was surprised a lot of other note apps I tried weren't as seamless for such a seemingly basic feature.
Aww cmon. Just one more try.