If they are selling aggregate data like "x percentage of our users are on Windows 10, y percentage on Windows 11, z percentage on Linux" they are technically selling user data. Honestly, if that's all they are doing, I don't really mind it. It's the selling of individual user data that I take issue with.
Are aggregated and anonymized statistics all they're selling? If that were the case, Mozilla executives have had many opportunities to say so. They haven't.
Yeah, selling metric data is fine
Just tell us what you're selling for fucks sake
There is such a thing as ethical data sharing/selling, but it starts with process transparency.
When DarkSky was first released, it needed crowdsourced altitude and barometric readings to provide the accurate weather data. The anonymized data map was provided to Stanford University, who used it to identify micro-tremors and other tectonic activity. It was clearly outlined in the EULA.
I miss Dark Sky.
Carrot is nice, but I’m not paying yearly for weather.
They answered, they said you are confused. Are you confused now? Good.
And who is buying the data would also be pretty nice to know.