I spend lots of time watching professionals at work.
People like
Cutting Edge Engineering (machinist)
Rain Man Rays Repairs (automotive mechanic)
Yourshire Car Restoration (automotive restoration)
And Bobs Decline (lineman)
An unofficial chapter of the popular Dull Men's Club.
1. Relevant commentary on your own dull life. Posts should be about your own dull, lived experience. This is our most important rule. Direct questions, random thoughts, comment baiting, advice seeking, many uses of "discuss" rarely comply with this rule.
2. Original, Fresh, Meaningful Content.
3. Avoid repetitive topics.
4. This is not a search engine
Use a search engine, a tradesperson, Reddit, friends, a specialist Facebook group, apps, Wikipedia, an AI chat, a reverse image search etc. to answer simple questions or identify objects. Also see rule 1, “comment baiting”.
There are a number of content specific communities with subject matter experts who can help you.
Some other communities to consider before posting:
5. Keep it dull. If it puts us to sleep, it’s on the right track. Examples of likely not dull: jokes, gross stuff (including toes), politics, religion, royalty, illness or injury, killing things for fun, or promotional content. Feel free to post these elsewhere.
6. No hate speech, sexism, or bullying No sexism, hate speech, degrading or excessively foul language, or other harmful language. No othering or dehumanizing of anyone or negativity towards any gender identity.
7. Proofread before posting. Use good grammar and punctuation. Avoid useless phrases. Some examples: - starting a post with "So" - starting a post with pointless phrases, like "I hope this is allowed" or “this is my first post” Only share good quality, cropped images. Do not share screenshots of images; share the original image.
I spend lots of time watching professionals at work.
People like
Cutting Edge Engineering (machinist)
Rain Man Rays Repairs (automotive mechanic)
Yourshire Car Restoration (automotive restoration)
And Bobs Decline (lineman)
Decided to learn guitar this year.
Spent the first week of the year watching nothing but Luthiers.
Guess I'm really starting from scratch then.
I got a whole list of other automotive channels if you need.
The other two that come to mind are
But I'm happy to hear of others.
There's also a bunch of hobby machinists I watch, though I've not found many that show day-to-day professional work like CEE does. Maybe Abom79, but he focuses on smaller home projects, not so much industry type stuff.
Watch Fat Electrician, he does a lot of history stuff that is well presented and entertaining. Lots of highlighting exceptional members of the military that had plot armor or were the main character. His second channel does highlights of companies like Arizona Iced Tea, Chik-Fil-a, etc.
If you value privacy, I recommend using freetube, an open source frontend to YouTube
You can import your sub list, and your front page will be all their most recently uploaded videos in order
I pretty commonly have the issue of missing uploads because of my work, and that basically fixes it
Thanks. While I do, every solution I’ve tried is less convenient on iPhone. Generally I just don’t login and hope that does something
Yeah, the iPhone microsystem is very restrictive. I'm not one to sing praises for samsung (they're just as bad in many ways), but I can still install apks for custom apps like tubetube, another safer YouTube frontend
I can't verify anything, but there seem to be some (albeit limited) alternatives like vuetube and yattee still floating around for ios
While I do, every solution I’ve tried is less convenient on iPhone
Can't expect to gain something (privacy) without losing something in return (convenience).
I love hard work, I could watch it all day.
some of the yard work guys are insane. I literally could watch them all day.
I've got a lot of woodtube like Paul Sellers and Wood By Wright, plus a lot of stuff about Subnautica and RedLetterMedia. Also SEA, Astrum and History For Granite, my fall asleep documentary team.
Thanks for an interesting list to search through
I highly recommend Astrum's series about the Opportunity rover.