they said, "be there or be square"
he took it as a challenge.
AI Art & Image Generation
A place to share images and art generated by artificial intelligence and similar tools.
All posts must be relevant to image generation with artificial intelligence.
Please include the name of the AI or tool used to generate your image at beginning of your post to promote searchability. Example: "[Midjourney] Picture of a lake."
It's not required, but we encourage you to include the prompt used to generate the image in the description of your post.
To avoid spam, please try to limit yourself to five posts a day. Feel free to add as many images to your posts as you'd like.
Please keep NSFW content to a minimum. Risque content is allowed, but pornographic AI art is not. There are plenty of other places to share that. Posts not flagged as NSFW will result in a temporary ban.
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Check out [email protected] for discussion about AI tools you can use in your Dungeons & Dragons games.
Even in high school, Calvin was determined to make Calvinball a thing.
Lol this is awesome
Das Runde muss ins Eckige.
Then you look at hockey. A bunch of belligerent hosers, skating around on ice with metal blades on their feet. All while trying to hit something that looks like industrial waste with a stick. Oh and you get to punch the other people when you feel like it.
What was the prompt, even?”
1990s photojournalisc footage of a weird sport with a square ball and long thin sticks
My other favourite from the same batch:
That is bizarre, yeah. Loving that neither actually has a square ball.
Yeah, usually I can come up with some creative context , but that one has me stumped.
Wow I’ve never felt so redundant as an artist
Not even the penalty box could stop this beast.
Don't just dream about getting on base, become the base. Extra balls are included...
I'd... try that sport, whatever that is lol
wow he's got some concrete skills