Jesus H Christ. What in God's name is wrong with you people.
Atheist Memes
A community for the most based memes from atheists, agnostics, antitheists, and skeptics.
No Pro-Religious or Anti-Atheist Content.
No Unrelated Content. All posts must be memes related to the topic of atheism and/or religion.
No bigotry.
Attack ideas not people.
Spammers and trolls will be instantly banned no exceptions.
No False Reporting
NSFW posts must be marked as such.
International Suicide Hotlines
Non Religious Organizations
Freedom From Religion Foundation
Ex-theist Communities
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What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
You got one more try.
Thoroughly and unabashedly.
Attack the idea and not the person ;)
That works in politics, where politicians can hide safely behind their ideologies. It doesn't work on the internet. You already have anonymity to hide behind. Your ideas are now your own responsibility. You have stupid ideas, so you're an idiot. Don't want to be an idiot? Learn from your mistakes!
That's... what?