
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 hours ago


[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

I think that's not quite right, but it's certainly an interesting take.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

At my old work (a trucking company) we had a photo in the cafeteria that a colleague made in Africa during their holiday there. The picture shows a truck with our company's logo still vaguely but unmistakingly visible on the door panels somewhere in rural Africa, Morocco I think. I think that's pretty awesome.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago

Ok guys, we can close this thread now. Good work everyone.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

The retirement plan goes for rich countries too. But different. With elder care going the way it's going, you'd be happy to get someone to help you shower once per month. Children can help you with a lot once you're old and fragile.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Because its orthopedic surgeon. Orthopedic is just the branch, it basically means "medicine dealing with the bone". But it literally mean "straightening children". It's best not to talk about the literal meaning

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

What's wrong with British, mate?!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

So does semiphore

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago

It looks like a thong with ants on it.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 day ago

You can be the first

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

I had that exact same plan. I was already streets ahead

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

I've tried llama3, the 8b version. It just made a joke about the famous song "stop" by the beatles. It's on the 1969 album "let it be" and it contains the line ""\ Stop you don't know what it's like / Being on your own..."

I might invest in some better hardware and try the 27b version haha XD


Ik kreeg zojuist dit "burgerinitiatief" onder mijn neus. Ik wil het met liefde steunen, maar ze vragen om mijn naam, adres en email.

In deze tijden van privacy bewustwording en greenwashing, merk ik dat ik daar toch moeite mee heb. Ik beeld me in dat een datazuchtig bedrijf een campagne als deze kan inzetten om informatie te verzamelen van mensen die met passie, en misschien zelfs een beetje existentiele paniek, alle kansen willen aangrijpen om (passief) aan de verbetering van het klimaat bij te dragen. Om vervolgens die data door te verkopen of voor andere commerciele doeleinden te gebruiken. Ben ik paranoide of is het juist verstandig dat ik mijn adres gegevens niet zomaar online in wil vullen? En hoe zit dat met deze specifieke partij, is dit een betrouwbare partij?


I recieved this email today. I don't use twitch, only made an account once for some specific purpose. I don't know these people and I'm a 100% certain they don't know me. This is just toxic marketing to lure me back in.


[Update: It seems to have been fixed now]


I teach a course in java and springboot for beginners. I would like to walk my students through the code of a real world java or springboot application. Can anyone recommend a good example?


In this letter, Dijkstra talks about readability and maintainability in a time where those topics were rarely talked about (1968). This letter was one of the main causes why modern programmers don't have to trouble themselves with goto statements. Older languages like Java and C# still have a (discouraged) goto statement, because they (mindlessly) copied it from C, which (mindlessly) copied it from Assembly, but more modern languages like Swift and Kotlin don't even have a goto statement anymore.

So I'm making a project in SpringBoot with Oauth security.

If I use Auth0 as my Authorization Server, I can register an application there and just say that I want user to be able to login with Google an Facebook. That's all it takes.

If I use Keycloak as my Authorization Server, I can also have users choose Google or Facebook as there prefered login, but in order to provide that, I have to register my app with Google and Facebook first.

So how come it's so easy with Auth0 and a little less easy with Keycloak? Is it a contract thing, does Auth0 have contracts with all these providers or something?


So I'm making a project in SpringBoot with Oauth security.

If I use Auth0 as my Authorization Server, I can register an application there and just say that I want user to be able to login with Google an Facebook. That's all it takes.

If I use Keycloak as my Authorization Server, I can also have users choose Google or Facebook as there prefered login, but in order to provide that, I have to register my app with Google and Facebook first.

So how come it's so easy with Auth0 and a little less easy with Keycloak? Is it a contract thing, does Auth0 have contracts with all these providers or something?


I came across this post (and more like it) claiming extensions to be a good, or at least different, solution for mapping DTO's.

Are they though? Aren't DTO's supposed to be pure data objects? I've always been taught to seperate my mappings in special mapping services or mapping libraries like MapStruct and ModelMapper for implementing the good practice of "seperation of concerns".

So what about extensions?

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