
joined 2 years ago
[–] afraid_of_zombies 1 points 7 months ago

Just a fall guy for the powers that be. Don't worry about him.

[–] afraid_of_zombies 0 points 7 months ago

Strictly speaking it is not as bad as throwing a baby out of one.

[–] afraid_of_zombies 6 points 7 months ago

Also it is really important that we consider all points of view. Maybe the pro-baby throwing out of the window side raises some interesting arguments. Let's hear them out

[–] afraid_of_zombies -2 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Right but I am on your side about this. I want everyone to have housing that is awesome and within their price range. I just don't agree that finding ways to punish immigrants and minorities is the best way to go about it. There is a difference between me saying "I want X and don't think Y is the best way to get X" and me saying "fuck your family, I hate Y and lets do X to hurt them". Me discussing how to solve a problem is not me denying the problem exists or should not be solved.

Also you and me are good. I am sorry for your loss. I imagine I would be very sensitive to this subject in your situation.

[–] afraid_of_zombies -1 points 7 months ago (3 children)

I really didn't mention a word about anything you are saying to me now. I am pro-development anti-nimby and admit I haven't studied the issues of corporate housing enough to weight in on it.

Poor Aisha (
Moon (

He was so boring that his own robotic shoes tried to escape him, his entire philosophy is "be nice", one episode shows that his greatest fear is having power, he mocks all greatness, has no ambition, and seeks nothing but small comforts.


Haha for to say feeling pretty great. These are the loafs I mentioned that I am now being paid to make. Small batch of 4 in total. Should know by Monday how they sold over the weekend rush.

Got hired (self.lemmybread)

Hi all. I bring in pretty much every loaf I post here into my work. Work for a decent sized corp so it gets devoured quickly. One of the people who works there has offered me a part-time position to make custom breads for his family owned restaurant. Starting with those mini taro+matcha loafs.

I took it and start on Tuesday evening. No idea how far this is going to go, it felt really good getting that offer.

Would like to thank the community for putting up with my experiments, failures, and offering feedback and ideas.


Yeah the stuck together. It came out well I think the matcha needs something to balance it like seeds and I should use more taro next time.

Matcha (

Green = matcha

Red = paprika and beet

Yellowish = peanut butter

Deep Brown = cinnamon


Forgot to post it yesterday. Came out pretty good

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