As someone who is very depressed, the idea of heaven and hell kind of disturb me. I'm so very, very tired, and I just want it all to stop. I want to stop experiencing, I want to stop doing, it doesn't matter how nice. Suicide is so appealing because I could just turn it all off.
I talk about this because I think an eternity in conventional heaven would eventually depress you. I think that faced with eternity, true infinity, eventually you'll have wringed out every last drop of happiness you can from existence and you'd long for rest just as much as I do.
Sorry, I want to be comforting to you and to me this is but I doubt it is to you. I'll leave you with this thought--because I don't believe there's an afterlife punishment or reward, it makes being the best person I can be all the more important. My actions are driven from me wanting the world to be a better place, not from me trying to earn a reward.