I keep a box of citric acid crystals around for this and the coffee pot/espresso machine. It descales as well as vinegar (for the kettle I just put a few scoops in and boil with water) and there’s no aftertaste/smell like there is with vinegar.
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I use lemon juice in the coffee machine every 6 mo or so for samesies.
Vinegar! I knew I'd forgotten something just now at the shop. Our water is quite calcareous, so I add a little every load of dishes. Once bought 20 litres of it online, gave the courier a bit of a laugh.
I showed my mom what white vinegar can do to limescale.
My parents live in South Africa so limescale isn't a major issue, but some builds up in kettles over time.
So I told her about vinegar, put some in the kettle and you could basically see it dissolving and breaking up in real time.
I mix half water half vinegar and boil it. Then I don't need to wait overnight. Also boil a few full kettles of clean water to remove the vinegar taste.
Our water is so hard here I periodically take the kettle into the shop when it doesn't boil water very quick, and use the needle scaler on it to knock big slabs of scale out of it.
Have you tried selling those as slabs of marble to some local sculpture artists?
I learned the word lime scale today.
Scale... Someone in the past must have thought, let's just use one word for all the meanings. (You have to save wherever possible.): Scale in the cambridge dictionary