Rest my case π
I will shed a single tear
Dude looks like the minions guy
I don't want to trust any group that celebrates by shooting rounds of ammo in the air.. seems like they make bad choices.
"despite claiming she brought it with her for protection."
What an odd way to word that from the writer?
This seems pretty low key to most the picks.. I mean I don't know if she has any skills for the job, but this back story is a lot less worry some that most the picks.
Brexit the gift that keeps giving..
All I see on what my wife watches is gambling and medication commercials that say nothing about what the medication does but that I should ask my doctor if I need it.
A fair amount of raw materials pass over the borders in the production of so many things that even if they are Canadian made parts and materials may have tariffs on them.
No one respects the do not track so it makes sense.