Oh, that cat is gorgeous. I do like the raccoon too, but that cat...
A place for raccoons migrating from reddit.
We are allies with the kingdoms of the opossummms, batss, and the birbs.
Juvey MaineCoon? Gorgeous.
When your classy wife with manners encounters a situation that her reformed hoodrat husband knows is better handled by him.
This is my favorite interpretation of this picture.
"I'm not looking for a fight sweetheart, I'm just open to the possibility"
The raccoons at my parents place eat cats.
Just sayin'
My old neighbor had a cat that killed 2 raccoons so it goes both ways.
That would be a heckin big cat. Best our cat has done is squirrels.
From my understanding, she was feral and being fed by my old neighbor until she eventually decided that she'd like to live inside.
They then got another cat who learned feral cat's ways and one day I had to shove him inside my house when he was threatening a mother raccoon while standing between her and her babies.
Beautiful cat.
"This is my cat. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My kitty is my best friend. It is my life."
I got this
“My boy, you about to discover my impeccable surgical skills after I amputate that grubby fuckin paw of yours.”
I got this. You stay clean
This is the best laugh that I've had this morning. The kitty is so cute, kinda leaning back with the paw in the air. The raccoon is all, "hold on." I didn't expect to laugh out loud, but that's what happened. Also, I love kitties with stripes.