Really still living in the stone age, I see, eh old man?
The Internet in Ancient Times
Welcome to the stone age... or the bronze age... or the iron age... heck, anything with an 'age' is welcome, except our modern age or any ages to come.
This is about what the internet was like thousands of years ago back when it all started. Like when Darius the Great hired mercenaries via Craigslist or when Egypt invented emojis.
1 - Be civil. No name calling, no fighting, keep your flint hand axes inside your leather pouches at all times.
2 - Keep the AI stuff to a minimum. It gets annoying and old fashioned memes are more fun for everyone.
3 - None of this newfangled modern 21st century nonsense. We don't even know what "21st century" means.
4 - No porn/explicit content. The king is sensitive about these things.
5 - No TOS violations will be tolerated. So there.
6 - There is no ~~rule~~ law 6.
Laws of justice which Hammurabi, the wise king, established. A righteous law, and pious statute did he teach the land. Hammurabi, the protecting king am I. I have not withdrawn myself from the men, whom Bel gave to me, the rule over whom Marduk gave to me, I was not negligent, but I made them a peaceful abiding-place. I expounded all great difficulties, I made the light shine upon them. With the mighty weapons which Zamama and Ishtar entrusted to me, with the keen vision with which Ea endowed me, with the wisdom that Marduk gave me, I have uprooted the enemy above and below (in north and south), subdued the earth, brought prosperity to the land, guaranteed security to the inhabitants in their homes; a disturber was not permitted. The great gods have called me, I am the salvation-bearing shepherd, whose staff is straight, the good shadow that is spread over my city; on my breast I cherish the inhabitants of the land of Sumer and Akkad; in my shelter I have let them repose in peace; in my deep wisdom have I enclosed them. That the strong might not injure the weak, in order to protect the widows and orphans, I have in Babylon the city where Anu and Bel raise high their head, in E-Sagil, the Temple, whose foundations stand firm as heaven and earth, in order to bespeak justice in the land, to settle all disputes, and heal all injuries, set up these my precious words, written upon my memorial stone, before the image of me, as king of righteousness.
Melting rocks is dumb when you can just chip them.
It's bullshit. I had to carve my own tools. Why do these entitled shits get to just buy tools now?
How can you even trust the quality?
Well, I can know for sure that the guy I buy my copper tools from does only high-quality.
Horrible right?!
If I make my tools I atleast know they are terrible!
Trying not to lose the thread... What's next? Something like "and I'm supposed to trust some computer type nerd at John Deere telling me how to carve my own rock?!?!" perhaps?
Metalworking is an addiction that makes us dependent on Big Furnace.
Each technology makes humankind more enslaved to the mistakes of its ancestors.
Bah. you're just too lazy to learn how to build one. It's not really that hard to do, and stone tools still have their use and place. There are, so they say, great and vast deposits of metal, but most are hard to get to. stone is everywhere, even if the good quality stone is a touch rarer.
Keep the knowledge of stone shaping alive. Even if the stone tipped arrow is replaced by copper, those copper arrow heads are far rarer than the stone that has always existed.
I'm busy knapping when I'd rather be napping.
A late bloomer? Folks have been snapping since Homo Habilis. My great^54 grandpa told me they used to gather flint and they would find the right rocks after walking uphill, both ways, backwards, in the snow.
...what is snow?
I've been watching Donny Dust on YouTube. Now I'm gonna be sourcing some flint this spring.
Check out primitive technology
Turn subtitles on.
No I'm not joking.
Haha, already subbed. I bought his book when it came out too. Great channel!
No one can destroy the Metal
The Metal will strike you down with a vicious blow
We are the vanquished foes of the Metal
We tried to win, for why? We do not know
Nothing beats obsidian. You'll see in a couple thousand years when people are still using it.
Heard tale of a guy that had his blindness cured by having his eye cut open and this ... i forget what it is called but the part of the eye that had gone all white. His vision wasn't GREAT, but he could see after!
I don't know how you guys work with obsidian. I thought flint flakes were sharp but you pick up the wrong shard of obsidian and it will cut your finger clean off! I mean I get that you can kill game more easily that way, but I'll just stick with a flint-tipped spear and an atlatl.
To be fair, I'd rather use obs for hand tools - cutting, skinning, scraping, notching. Shit's expensive, yeah I have some obs spear heads "just in case," but I'd rather not shoot them off and maybe lose them if I don't have to.
Same. man. For the same reasons.
Nono obsidian isn't for the hunt. Obsidian is for cleaning and dressing the meat and hide. Both because Obsidian's sharpness when working the material, and flint is a hell of a lot easier to find and work with while still getting the job done.
I remember when reed baskets were invented. Everybody wanted one. I kept bones in mine.
Makes carrying what's been found a lot easier.
16000 BCE kids too
I'm not into paleo.
Ok Gramps, im done eating wild berries! Kids nowadays eat bread and drink beer!
Kids these days ain't tripped on cow shit mushrooms. What's the world coming to
Aurochs might have gone extinct, but cubes are still pretty popular
Gen Trog