The Batman. Robert Pattinson is not that great of an actor and I still can’t unsee him as that stupid vampire. I know he doesn’t care of the role either, but it really ruins the flow trying to imagine him as Bruce Wayne but all I can see is that cringey vampire. And then it’s just another fucking Batman movie as if we haven’t already had 10 other ones played by 12 different actors already, not including the TV show adaptations and cartoons too. DC needs to seriously stick with one adaptation and go with that or make some about some of the lesser known comic characters.
I know it’s the one that is more closely aligned to the comics and he is actually being a detective. But it was so boring and uninteresting.
I remember sitting in the theater and I kept checking my watch for when it would be over. I was with other people and also was curious how it would end. But it kept dragging on much longer than it should have.
I’ve tried rewatching it since but I still can’t get into it.