I know these are all playing off the original comments joke of needing erasures in his bag, but for the sake of the newbie golfers, the pencils don't have erasures to prevent score changing without initializing. If you play for money with friends or in amateur tournaments, when you have to make a score correction after it's written down, you should have your cart buddy initial it. Noone wants to pay someone on a scorecard with erased scores on it lol.
Lol again they're business savy. You're an idiot 🤣
No shit. When you miss the h it will autocorrect to either.
Lol American liberals couldn't even be bothered enough to go to the polls. The fuck makes you think anyone is fighting back against the orher 50% of Americans who support taking over the wildlings from the north?
They also referred to other countries as "their" and for your theory to work they would've had to leave out the entire word "the" witch even with auto correct is hard to do. I'll place a bet with you. If they respond with where they're from and it is the US, you have to say something nice about Trump. I'll do the same if they respond that they are not from the US. Neither of us actually wins but at least the winner doesn't lose lol
Lol that's called business. It's why nothing came from any of the investigations accusing them of not doing enough to protect workers employed by other companies they purchased from. It also happened around 2015ish and all the articles I found from 2020 praise their supply chain managment.
I mean they were called out for not being attentive enough and they responded in a way you would hope a company would respond. Albeit an article written by walmart but still they owned up and addressed it.
Haven't found a single source that supports your claim that the issue went on for decades either so feel free to provide some sources and I'll be happy to read them and adjust my opinion accordingly.
I know 20 years ago Walmart was the face of corporate evil but hear me out. They have had 1 company MO and have never wavered from it, providing affordable goods at the lowest possible price to the consumer without any bells or whistles. No coupons, no buy 3 get 1 free, no sketchy pricing based on bullwhip procurement.
My message here is to encourage anyone like myself who is fed the fuck up with Amazon, Google and Microsoft shitting on every product they put out all rhe while cutting all operating costs from any semblance of customer support. I call Walmart every year to check how much .22 ammo they have around deer season to get my tags and the winters supply of varmint ammo in one trip. Every year I speak to a real person even if it rings for a hot minute.
For about the same price as Amazon prime, I have Walmart "prime" that comes with free delivery of not just market place shit but also same day grocery delivery. They dont spread themselves too thin like literally every single corporate giant out there. They were better equipped than Amazon to get into the market place industry and they are killing it. While every other shit head company is dumping billions into AI (Walmart might be too idk so take this with a grain of salt) Walmart invested billions into developing their drone delivery project.
Tldr: I encourage everyone who likes simple affordable products from a straight forward without any bullshit to give the Walmart equivalent of Amazon prime a shot.
Edit: One other perk point for uncle Wally is it isn't a snake payment deal like 9.99/month of never ending monthly payment, maybe they do offer that now but when I signed up it was a single flat payment for 1 year and I get 2 emails letting me know it's coming due for next year and the second being the invoice. They dont spam you, force apps on you, value your data more than you or the product you're buying. Fuck i could keep going with how pleased I've been with Walmart.
Lol why even comment if you know nothing about bail or the context of what a ball or half ball is? It's a half a ball of coke so 1.5 grams cuz a ball is 3 grams. As for the bail, where the fuck have you ever heard of bail being set for $120 🤣. Bail is a tool used by the justice system to combat flight risk offenders. They set it either just high enough to make sure the person shows up to their court dates so they get their bail money back or they set it so fucking high the offender can't pay it and must remain incarcerated from the date bail was set at the arraignment until the case is complete. The latter is used for people with a history of not showing up to court or for people who are extreme risks to the public.
A gram and half of coke usually tho I've heard the measurement of a ball used for other drugs. A ball is 3 grams.
And when I started drinking bars still had $0.25 draft nights and $0.10 wings. Yeah, that's not a typo ten fucking cent wings. Used to get all sorts of fucked up for like $10. I'm not even crazy old, I'm 37. I was definitely 17-19 years old when a local bar ran twenty five cent draft night but the wings, I was 21-23 when that was running.