This seems like a non-OS issue. Especially since names in Windows typically aren't case sensitive.
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Windows is case insensitive though. It has cases that it shows to the user, but the filesystem under the hood is case insensitive. This has caused lots of problems for wine on Linux and is the reason that filesystems like EXT4 added a case insensitive mode. SteamOS uses EXT4 in case insensitive mode for it's home directory, where games are installed.
Yes, it can be an issue when supporting both OSes. That"s certainly not how I'm taking the comic though. They changed capitalization in Windows while developing something and it somehow broke everything. How?
I am assuming they were developing in Windows given the title of the post. Maybe that's a bad assumption.
I think we need to try it and see what happens
The fact that Windows is case-insensitive has caused major headaches for me with regards to source control.
The complete comic for anyone interested