
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] BluescreenOfDeath 6 points 2 days ago

In a system rigged to support one party over another.

[–] BluescreenOfDeath 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I guess I should point out I live and work in coastal Georgia.

So I dunno why I have such a different experience. I'm on my phone a lot calling people and using GPS with no overheating issues unless it's in direct sunlight for too long.

[–] BluescreenOfDeath 19 points 3 days ago

That's treating people as Humans. But in our capitalist hellscape, we aren't people, we're Consumers. We exist to provide money to companies, and they're ever interested in finding more ways to make us give them money.

It's not enough that you buy a TV, the manufacturer needs to have ads in it. They need the telemetry on what you watch, when you watch it, and for how long so they can make the ads more relevant. We can't have you replacing your phone battery, so we'll make it an internal component so when it goes bad you're more likely to just get a new phone.

But we can't pay people more, because that's an expense.

The line must go up at all costs.

[–] BluescreenOfDeath 5 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Windows is way more documented. Not necessarily by Microsoft but by the absolute waste community.

If I had a nickle for every BSOD error code I researched only to find "have you tried running sfc /scannow? What about a refresh? You tried both and nothing worked? Just reinstall!"

More documented my ass. Linux at least tells me what's wrong. "No space left on device" or "missing dependency" is way better than "Error code 0x0000007e"

[–] BluescreenOfDeath 3 points 3 days ago (3 children)

I have a pixel 6a that I use a lot, and it only overheats if I leave it in the phone holder in my work truck when I park in the sun.

What are you doing that causes the phone to work that hard?

[–] BluescreenOfDeath 1 points 3 days ago

I've always said "Apple devices 'just work' for people who think throwing money at a problem is a valid solution".

Case in point: Louis Rossmann on why he hates Apple devices

[–] BluescreenOfDeath 1 points 3 days ago

I think my favorite part of swapping has been forgetting how Windows does things. I'm so embedded in Linux and how it works every day that I don't remember where to go for certain things in Windows without having to search.

I remember some power user shortcuts like run prompt shortcuts (appwiz.cpl or control userpasswords2) but I used to be able to walk people through how to get certain pages in the Windows UI, and I couldn't do it today.

[–] BluescreenOfDeath 3 points 3 days ago (5 children)

Who the hell uses a phone without a case?

[–] BluescreenOfDeath 7 points 3 days ago

As a parent, my kids are issued Chromebooks by the school for "e-learning days". I imagine mainly because of cost and ability to be managed remotely.

[–] BluescreenOfDeath 6 points 3 days ago

I only replaced my Pixel 2 with a Pixel 6a because the screen broke. Took it to a repair place and the screen stopped working after replacement.

I had that phone for ~8 years and I hope to get similar mileage out of my 6a.

[–] BluescreenOfDeath 4 points 3 days ago

I have to use Teams, Outlook, and Sharepoint for work.

What kills me about the search functions in all of them is how bad it is. I work for an ISP, and we use identifiers for different services. I can search SharePoint for the unique numerical identifier of a circuit and get multiple results returned.

Granted, the first is usually what I'm looking for, but none of the other returned results have the identifier anywhere in them.

Same for Outlook. So much junk noise returned when searching for anything.

[–] BluescreenOfDeath 7 points 3 days ago (2 children)

That may be, but then you're in the unfortunate position of owning an Apple device.

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