this post was submitted on 27 Jul 2023
-3 points (47.5% liked)

Unpopular Opinion

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founded 1 year ago

Driving is the most comfortable, convenient, and fun mode of transportation. Walking and biking can be OK but only for traveling relatively short distances in good weather. Mass transit is inherently unpleasant. No matter how nice you try to make it (and most mass transit systems aren't nice) the fact of the matter is that passengers are still stuck in a crowded box with a bunch of strangers and limited to traveling to the mass transit system's destinations on the mass transit system's schedule. Compare this to getting into your own car and driving wherever you want, whenever you want...

I currently live in a place too crowded for driving to be practical - I get that places like this need mass transit. But needing mass transit sucks!

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[–] [email protected] 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Of course it's great, that's why it's popular.

It's the effects that are bad. Traffic. Needing parking lots that are bigger than the store, restaurant, office, etc. Pollution, smog, warming (hows your summer going?). And expensive (believe it or not it's subsidized, if drivers paid how much it actually cost it'd be like increasing gas price ~4x.) House plots that need to be huge to accommodate 3+ cars. Apartments need parking lots as big as the building. Noise so you can't enjoy being outside. Places being 'dead' because there's no third place and no people around.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 11 months ago

trains are the best mode of transportation to me. i don't know how to drive and have no desire to learn. it's stressful, expensive, and time-consuming to learn. trains in my area are regular enough and even if you can't get a seat then you'll get to your destination quick enough that it's not an issue. you don't have to worry about traffic or really doing anything once you're onboard. i understand that some people need to drive but honestly don't know why anyone would enjoy it.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago

This is a very popular opinion lol.

[–] waterbogan 2 points 11 months ago

They're awesome in the right place and for the right applications. I have two. But if I'm going short distance or somewhere really crowded I prefer to cycle, and in decent weather its really enjoyable and good for fitness too

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Ehh private rooms on trains are a better experience but idn of that would be much better than the equivalent number of cars

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

I love driving, and I drive a Perodua Axia, so no one is gonna give me shit for not being green enough

[–] PlanetOfOrd -1 points 11 months ago

I plan on living out the middle of the country, far enough away from the city so I can see the stars and breathe fresh air. How am I supposed to commission my city to extend the train track or bus line out to my property?

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