And insidious microtransactions
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It will be like reverse crypto mining; for every block you mine, you pay Ubi a fraction of a cent.
Only .99 to enable faster and bigger bug net size for an hour!
So Tom Nook will be present, only this time he won't accept bells but only real money.
You can pay with bells that you earn doing regular activities…or… you can exchange a bell package that's only 5000 diamonds for 300k bells. You can buy diamonds for only 5.99$ per 1000 diamonds or our flash sale for 39.99 for 10k diamonds.
game proceeds to crash because the internet server couldn't load the online store
Mate, why aren't you working as an exec at ubi or ea?
If this was an idie dev I'd think it was interesting. With it being Ubisoft Im just shaking my head and will never give it another thought.
Yeah, no interest in my part either outside of morbid curiosity of the monstrosity Ubi take on it is.
Like others have said, fully expect it to be full of bullshit microtransactions like crap cosmetics and turning the cozy game genre into some horrifying live service glop of shit.
For what it's worth, this seems more like a lower profile title which seems to be more well liked. Stuff like Immortals and the new Prince of Persia game were apparently pretty good I heard?
Can't fault then for trying, too bad it'll be a soulless imitation with none if the charm or creativity of either brands.
Hey triple a devs, try investing in something novel rather than competing with games that have years of player investment
Cool, can't wait to ignore this game because Ubisoft makes it.
Leave it to Ubisoft to take concepts people like and mash them into a game that manages to be boring, soulless, repetitive, and just generally Mid at best.
Sorry, should I wait for it to actually release before I say all these true things about it?