
joined 2 years ago
[–] JTskulk 7 points 1 day ago (1 children)

We currently have a woman president. Trump signed an EO saying that all Americans are female so he's the first woman president.

[–] JTskulk 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I wish everything was put into ~/.config or whatever the proper place was. Oh you're used to your ssh config being ~/.ssh as it has for years? So make a symlink! Everyone wins.

[–] JTskulk 31 points 4 days ago

Saar, why did you redeem?

[–] JTskulk 4 points 5 days ago

I was going to say a KGB asset wouldn't be so dumb and blatant about their support, but then I remembered the whole "The Sims" incident lol

[–] JTskulk 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Imagine the progress the computer industry could have made without Microsoft killing any every bit of competition. Although sometimes I wonder if Linux wouldn't have taken off as a reaction.

[–] JTskulk 10 points 1 week ago

I stopped listening to this nazi long ago because he doesn't know anything about anything, including about himself.

[–] JTskulk 5 points 1 week ago (4 children)

The Firefall series kinda fits the bill. The first book is called Blindsight, the second Echopraxia. It's maybe not so much cyberpunk in that society is mostly absent from the books, but it is in the future with some crazy technology and there are vampires.

[–] JTskulk 12 points 1 week ago

Why look at anyone's genitals? It doesn't matter since Trump declared that everyone was born female, right?

[–] JTskulk 10 points 1 week ago

protip: put bind -s 'set mark-symlinked-directories on' in your ~/.bashrc and also bind -s 'set completion-ignore-case on' because why not :)

[–] JTskulk 10 points 2 weeks ago

Is your foreskin still attached?

[–] JTskulk 5 points 2 weeks ago

We had the same exact issue the first time around, nobody cared because it was "the bad people" being subjected to human rights abuses in Guantanamo.

[–] JTskulk 0 points 2 weeks ago

Use it and redshift anyway, what kind of exploitable vuln could possibly be found in it?

submitted 1 month ago by JTskulk to c/leftymusic

A little light on the lyrics, but do you really need more?


Hey guys, I know this doesn't apply to many people, but I'm posting my findings in the hope that search engines will index this and help somebody someday. I and a couple friends play Starcraft 2 in Linux using Valve's Proton. Ever since the last balance patch, we've all been hit by this bug where double-tapping an army or building control group doesn't move the camera to view the unit(s). The only thing I've found that fixes this is to delete the user.reg file before you launch the game. This has to be done every time otherwise the bug returns. Unfortunately, deleting this file means you also have to sign into the Blizzard Launcher every time too. You can automate the deletion of the file by changing your Steam shortcut:

  1. Right click on the steam shortcut
  2. Click on Properties...
  3. Change Launch Options to say "rm -f /path/to/user.reg ; %command%" where /path/to/user.reg is the path copied from the Target and then modified. See attached picture.

If you use Xorg, you can use my script to automate the entire sign-in and game launch process using pyautogui: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MD6e9-eDLO44wotWVuFrvpC4Q0k4id5A/view?usp=sharing Just make sure you change the 2 variables that say CHANGEME near the top.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by JTskulk to c/starcraft

Hello my fellow dead community subscribers! I've been very frustrated by the lack of communication by the balance team and/or whoever is pushing patches. I heard that in this last patch they fixed the biggest of the bugs, but not all of them. The bugs are detailed in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IAj0CB91Pk I've gone through them to see which are fixed and which are still present:

  1. Lurkers shooting units cloaked by Mothership: Fixed!
  2. Oracle revelation with extra range: Still present (I think, this one is hard to reproduce from the video, I'm not sure how exactly range is calculated for revelation.)
  3. Cyclones doing extra damage: Fixed! It leaves a mothership with 300 hp instead of 200 after a full lockon.
  4. Amygdala reaper jump spots: Still bugged, at least partially. Testing this one is hard but I did get a reaper to bug out and spin in a circle like in the video.
  5. Protoss Assimilator probe-queing: Fixed! If you tell a probe to make an assimilator and then queue a 2nd assimilator, it builds the 2nd one right after starting the first.
  6. Energy recharge on warping in units: Still present. Units being warped in are untargetable by Energy Recharge until the unit is fully warped in.
New Balance patch! (news.blizzard.com)
submitted 4 months ago by JTskulk to c/starcraft

New balance patch is live on the PTR.


KDE 5 had a feature in the keyboard shortcuts in settings where you could set a Window Action as a trigger instead of a keyboard shortcut (Documentation in the link). This means that KDE would do something every time a certain window appeared. This was very useful, my use case was changing the TeamViewer authorization prompt to NT logon as I don't use the normal TeamViewer password. I think there should be a workaround if it's truly gone, but for the life of me I can't remember or search for the name of this software that does something every time a certain window is created.


I was going to link to his Youtube page, but it seems these videos are unlisted! Here are the 2 I have so far:

Harstem - Reynor, Byun, Oliveira, Clem in $42000 StarCraft II Tournament

Harstem - Serral, maru, Dark, Cure and more in $42000 StarCraft II Tournament


This was a Lenovo. Now I'm wondering if Windows or Linux has a better BIOS.

Anon gets a pump at the gym (media.discordapp.net)

I don't understand how these 2 always have such bangers of games. Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't Special a lot better than Cham? Special competes in the GSL, I hadn't even heard of Cham until this or last year.


And the matchup is ZvZ! Whaaaaaaaaat? We are so lucky to have this game played for us.

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