That shit needs to be in a museum
And Finally...
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in my house..
Dr Jones?
"The gnome himself was visibly startled," police said, referring to the gnome having its hands covering its mouth.
That's because he's not a fucking snitch.
My 20 year old self would have demolished that gnome.
I'm middle aged and I'd still lick it every 6 weeks or so. Just long enough in-between licks to make sure my brain doesn't get fried.
Hypnotoad enters the chat
They were seriously too dumb to put it on a shelf. Jesus.
You've heard of elf on a shelf now it's time for ...
gnome made of mdma surrounded by other narcotics...
Gnome to the dome!
"The gnome himself was visibly startled," police said, referring to the gnome having its hands covering its mouth"
No he was just rolling so hard he bit his own cheek.
You aren't supposed to eat the whole gnome in one sitting. It's like a salt lamp that you just lick every now and then.
Hella rad! Party gnome!
Common, just give the gnome a lick. He won't bite.
Neither should you if you don't want to overdose
Damn they found it.
Can Gnomes become a standard unit of measurement for drugs? That would be sweet.
What do ya need my man?
Gimme a hat
I'll have a nose of beak for the weekend please.