Texas aint have a monopoly on 'y'all', and the rest of the south aint wear cowboy hats
I’m pretty sure those are frosted cherry
It’s been 4 years since I’ve needed one but if you go on one of the bigger marijuana websites like Leafly or just Google reviews I’m sure you’ll find some good recommendations. I never took niacin and passed no problems for 3 fortune 100s or the private company equivalents. If you’re properly hydrated your pee will be clear anyways
Detox kit. Always worked for me
In the PNW I would love to see the sun after 5 right now
The Kennedy’s have worn out any potential good will they may have ever had, earned or not, were a far cry from the original Robert and John
I’m aware of what terminal means, we’ve been that since 2016
Naw man, we’re pretty fucking far from ok
So at least for me it’s as simple as, it feels really good and creates an intimacy between the parties involved even if it’s fleeting
IMO yes and it ain’t particularly close
I dare you I double dare you motherfucker