72 years old and one shots a drone with a 9mm.
As dumb and dangerous as that is, I'm pretty impressed. That's a hell of a (lucky?) shot.
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72 years old and one shots a drone with a 9mm.
As dumb and dangerous as that is, I'm pretty impressed. That's a hell of a (lucky?) shot.
At 75'?! I sure couldn't do that. Not without birdshot.
With one shot too, that is a hell of a shot of a moving target. Reminds me of that mall shooter that a guy hit like 10 times from 50 yards with a pistol.
75 feet?
It was 75 feet in the air.
My grandfather could shoot like that past 80, but he was a competitive shooter in the Navy and in civilian life. It takes skill to pop a moving target with any handgun.
You don’t shoot at things in public, you don’t shoot into the air near populated/occupied areas, and you don’t shoot at things that don’t belong to you or you aren’t licensed to shoot at. Clearly the thing wasn’t anywhere near his property, so he’ll probably get off light considering how reckless and irresponsible this was.
You sure about that "getting off light" part? The article says he was charged with a felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison.
Yep, according to the article shooting the drone carries the same sentencing as shooting at a commercial airliner 👀 they are taking that shit very seriously
I wonder how that works in Deer Trail Colorado where they legalized drone hunting?
I mean, we’re talking about Florida.
But given that fact, it’s probably more dependent on whether it was a white or black drone.
No, it's an FAA -- i.e. federal -- thing.
You do if you're alpha as fuck and never miss
The time has come
We must defend Florida Man
He doesn't even need a lawyer. As long as he gets a jury trial he could plead his own case and get acquited. No one wants these things hovering over their property.
lol no, he absolutely needs a lawyer
And remember it's always shut the fuck up Friday
What do you say when the cops first pull you over? "Why'd you pull me over?"
And when they start asking questions? "I'm not discussing my day."
And if they keep asking questions? "Am I being detained, or am I free to go?"
And if detained, what do you say? "I invoke the fifth."
And then what do you do??
Shut the fuck up.
Yep, that's what you do. Don't answer questions.
If they were going to arrest you, they've already made that decision and there's nothing you can do about it. Let it get settled in court.
Lawyers know courtroom procedure. The defendant may have a valid argument but navigating the court process really does take an attorney.
The person who ordered the delivery does.