
joined 2 years ago
[–] Droggelbecher 1 points 1 hour ago

I wake up feeling like shit regardless, might as well have that third beer

[–] Droggelbecher 2 points 1 hour ago

So glad my country is catholic and my grandma was a big fan of Mary. I'd take a pious looking mum type in a veil over a buff dude in undies being tortured any day.

[–] Droggelbecher 2 points 1 day ago

I kind of have up the newest cities skylines game because car free city centers just didn't work. My bus lanes were always full of cars with no way to stop it. Idk if they fixed that by now.

[–] Droggelbecher 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

The 'withoit shelter' usually refers to extreme conditions, such as extreme heat or cold, within realistic earth conditions. Think desert, ice water.

[–] Droggelbecher 2 points 2 days ago
[–] Droggelbecher 1 points 2 days ago

The video isn't very long and does go into that. I found it worth watching. If not because it's rude to go into a community that you're not part of and comment on what it's doing wrong without even watching the post, then at least because it's genuinely interesting.

[–] Droggelbecher 3 points 2 days ago

Der Kampf für Frauenrechte ist der Kampf gegen Sexismus und Patriarchat, und der betrifft eben auch Menschen, die keine Frauen sind.

Ich bin beispielsweise non-binär, werde aber meist als Frau gelesen. Leute wie ich, sowie auch viele andere Transpersonen und auch cis-Männer werden vom Patriarchat negativ beinflusst. Feminismus betrifft eben uns alle, nicht nur spezifisch Frauen.

[–] Droggelbecher 2 points 2 days ago

Aber hast du dir das auch schon mal so überlegt: Barrierefreiheit ist voll wichtig, ausser wenn man sich persönlich ein kleines bisschen Mühe dafür geben muss.

[–] Droggelbecher 4 points 2 days ago (3 children)

The coins themselves carry no value and is backed by jack-shit. Comparing them to baseball cards seems very apt. Baseball cards, bubbles and FOMO.

This is true of every currency. Even precious metals are only precious because we think they are.

Not arguing pro crypto here, more like, anti capitalism, with crypto only being the next generation of a thing that only has a value because some ppl have decided that it does.

[–] Droggelbecher 2 points 2 days ago

Assuming you're genuinely asking (not always easy to tell on the internet, sorry):

The same way every formerly imperialist country benefits from imperialist legacy. Global economic inequality is neither a coincidence nor the result of some natural order. It's of little benefit if I do a detailed write up on this topic since there's tons of those coming up in a search engine. Here's an example: https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/economic-impact-colonialism

I know it's not on Germany specifically, but imo it explains the principle quite well. Hope it helps, otherwise, 'does the west still profit from imperialism' was a useful search query for me.

[–] Droggelbecher 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Feministischer Kampftag wäre ein inklusiverer Begriff :)

[–] Droggelbecher 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Genuinely curious, why? I've been meaning to understand where this idea comes from. Or do you just mean preferable as in you prefer their taste or something like that?


I'm using DDG or searx for all my casual searching, but haven't been able to find a good search engine for scholarly articles specifically. Scrolling through pages upon pages of forum posts and educational stuff for teens/kids is unfortunately too time consuming when I'm specifically looking for research papers. I'd also need to be filtering by year of publication since I need to know what's currently going on in my field, not what was going on 30 years ago.



Something about there being a record of what I said that can be checked and rechecked as many times as wanted gives me mad anxiety. Like they can analyse just how weird I talk. With a phonecall, all that remains is memory, and that makes people way more inclined to give me the benefit of the doubt.

Sometimes I take half a day considering just how to address and sign an email. There's such intricate expectations there and no cues from them that would allow me to adjust as needed. It's just guessing with zero clues. At least when I get an immediate response to anything I say I can adjust as I go and kind of match their tone.

Don't get me wrong, I find calls stressful too, but at least the stressing is over when it's done. It's more of a ripping the band-aid off kind of stress. The barrier of actually doing it is higher, but at least i can't really spend all day putting my energy into it as I do with an email.

Chlorine water and skimcare (self.skincareaddiction)

Hello skincare friends! Do any of you swim regularly?

I'm wondering how to synchronize my twice-weekly swimming sessions with my skincare routine. Chlorine is quite drying and can cause breakouts.

I usually do: am: Wash with water-sunscreen pm: wash with cleanser, retinol, moisturise (5 times a week) wash with cleanser, bha, rinse, moisturise (other 2 days)

How would you coordinate this with swimming? No bha on the swim days to avoid drying out too much? No retinol either to avoid breakouts?

I have noticed that my skin has been feeling more tight pretty much every day since I've started swimming.

If anyone has additional advice on preventing ear infections in eczema filled ears (ie the skin in the outer ear canal has eczema) when swimming, let me know!



There hasn't been a post here in a long time, but I'll try my luck.

Could there be any background medical reason for someone to get tendonitis a lot, in different places?

I've had it everywhere from palm to elbow, in the other wrist, in both knees. Am I just using my extremities too much or could there be some illness that makes me more susceptible to it?


Aging bug in Sims4 (self.thesims)
submitted 4 weeks ago by Droggelbecher to c/thesims

When my infant aged up to toddler, she immediately after aged up to child, etc, up to elder. I was worried she'd die, but she stopped there. Cas.fulleditmode let me age her back down to toddler, but still, wtf? Has anyone else got this bug?

Why I NEVER (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago by Droggelbecher to c/thesims

Sorry it's a photo of a screen!


I see her every 2-3 weeks at the moment. I only mentioned the symptoms* that I know can be related to the disease I'm seeing her for. They apparently shouldn't be near as bad, according to the results of my blood test (she usually calls me a few hours to a day after the appointment to tell me the results). So now I have yet another health issue to figure out, yay!

Anyone willing to bet whether I'll be diagnosed as 'stressed' or 'skinny young woman' this time? Those were my diagnoses plenty of times when I described those symptoms. I'm not even a woman, so it comes with a little side dish of dysphoria.

*Light headedness and fainting to the point I don't feel safe standing too long (though walking is fine), extreme night sweats, very high heart rate and very low blood pressure


Training routine: 8k/50min once a week, 1-2 (usually 1) slower runs of 3k-ish.

Always at least 1 day rest, where I sometimes do light upper body workouts, sometimes nothing.

Longer run sometimes replaced by an alpine hike of a few hours. Walking of at least 3k, often more, almost daily. I've been doing the latter for years, been running somewhat consistently for ~8months.

Participating in a 10k in May.

I'm noticing some pain behind the upper edge of my patellae that tends to start around the middle or end of my longer runs and after a little while of hiking uphill. Since I'm pretty sure it's not muscle pain, I don't want to just push through it. Do I need to take a complete break from running? Do I even need to take a break from walking? If so, for how long? Or is it going to be enough to reduce mileage a bit? Do I need to start cross training more at this level already?

Thank you in advance!

Edit: just remembered, first time I felt it was during a 30k flat hike a few weeks back. It usually goes away overnight at the latest.

submitted 2 months ago by Droggelbecher to c/linux

Please remove or tell me to delete if this isn't allowed!

I've been dual booting Ubuntu and Windows for a good few years now. I keep the windows around for gaming, because, ahem, I don't like giving EA, among others, money. I know it's not a problem to play most of the games I've paid for on Linux, but does anyone have experience with playing games on Linux that you've, somehow, obtained for free? And keeping them updated, too?

I'm still going to dual boot because keeping my games separate from my work is a decent adhd strategy for me, so I'm open to gaming friendly OS suggestions as well!

Need advice! (self.lemmylaqueristas)

Please let me know if this doesn't fit in the community!

I need advice about my mums nails.

She got a bad mani in the 90s where they buffed off waaaay too much from her nails. Two entire layers. As her nails grow, those two layers appear at the cuticle, but peel almost immediately. She's just been cutting them off right as they appear.

For about a year now, she's been REALLY trying to grow them out and get her natural nail thickness back. She diligently uses nail oil and is just generally careful with her hands. But they're still not fully back, sometimes they grow up to like the middle of the nail, and then peel again.

Any idea of what she can do? Any product tips that I can get her for Christmas?

Thanks so much in advance!


It's been pretty much exactly 20 years since a psychologist first suspected I have adhd. I finally got a Ritalin. The mixture of grief and elation I'm feeling is indescribable. I was robbed of so, so much in my teens and early-mid twenties, but I can finally begin to live my life.

Story if you want it: my mum took me to a child psychologist when I was 7 to get an opinion of whether it'd be a good idea that a skip a grade. I only know this because I overheard her telling it to friends as a funny story, and going like hahaha as if MY child is disabled/r-slur (where I live, people use disabled as a derogative, both for the disabled and as a generic one. Similar to how some people say gay as an insult. So, idk an accurate translation, it's inbetween). This was when I was maybe 12? I googled (at school, didn't have my own PC) and more or less concluded I have adhd, and that it wouldn't be safe or worthwhile to bring it up with mum.

As soon as I moved out (at about 19), I went to my GP about troubles focusing that I'd had my entire life. I think that's how I put it. She referred me to a neurologist and did bloodwork, but I never went, because the GP office gave the diagnostics and referral to my mum when she went to the office (it was her doc too; I've switched since). Mum gave me shit. My health insurance ran through her because I was a full time student, so, while it wasn't legal to show her my diagnoses, she would've seen what doctors billed my appointment through her insurance.

I struggled a bunch both with physical health and depression in my early twenties. So an adhd diagnosis wasn't the first of my worried. I did go to a psychologist who did a mini adhd test and concluded I had it. I must've been like 23? So I took her diagnosis to my psychiatrist who was treating my depression. Psychiatrist basically said that that's ridiculous, because I've graduated high school and even have a bachelors in a difficult area. I went back to the psychologist to get a recommendation for a new psychiatrist. Took about 3 years to get an appointment (not really their fault; they're suuuper booked out and kept telling me to call back in two weeks, and I kept forgetting because, well, adhd. I kinda just tried again every few months when i remembered.)

New psych is great. But I couldn't immediately get meds because they're a little hard on the heart, and so is my autoimmune disease. Had to get some ultrasounds, ECG, bloodwork. Would've taken probably a week or two as doctors usually aren't as booked out here (unless they're the only non private psych who treats adult adhd) but i suck at making appointments, so that was another few months.

I finally got the ok from all of them, and I got my prescription. I cried. At first from relief and joy. And then I actually tried them. And I cried again. This could've been how I felt my entire life? So much hardship and pain that could've been avoided. So much disappointment and 'but you're so smart!'. I mightn't even be depressed if I hadn't suffered this much every single day of my entire life.

If you made it this far, thanks so much for reading all that! What's your adhd story?

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