So glad my country is catholic and my grandma was a big fan of Mary. I'd take a pious looking mum type in a veil over a buff dude in undies being tortured any day.
I kind of have up the newest cities skylines game because car free city centers just didn't work. My bus lanes were always full of cars with no way to stop it. Idk if they fixed that by now.
The 'withoit shelter' usually refers to extreme conditions, such as extreme heat or cold, within realistic earth conditions. Think desert, ice water.
So, both?
The video isn't very long and does go into that. I found it worth watching. If not because it's rude to go into a community that you're not part of and comment on what it's doing wrong without even watching the post, then at least because it's genuinely interesting.
Der Kampf für Frauenrechte ist der Kampf gegen Sexismus und Patriarchat, und der betrifft eben auch Menschen, die keine Frauen sind.
Ich bin beispielsweise non-binär, werde aber meist als Frau gelesen. Leute wie ich, sowie auch viele andere Transpersonen und auch cis-Männer werden vom Patriarchat negativ beinflusst. Feminismus betrifft eben uns alle, nicht nur spezifisch Frauen.
Aber hast du dir das auch schon mal so überlegt: Barrierefreiheit ist voll wichtig, ausser wenn man sich persönlich ein kleines bisschen Mühe dafür geben muss.
The coins themselves carry no value and is backed by jack-shit. Comparing them to baseball cards seems very apt. Baseball cards, bubbles and FOMO.
This is true of every currency. Even precious metals are only precious because we think they are.
Not arguing pro crypto here, more like, anti capitalism, with crypto only being the next generation of a thing that only has a value because some ppl have decided that it does.
Assuming you're genuinely asking (not always easy to tell on the internet, sorry):
The same way every formerly imperialist country benefits from imperialist legacy. Global economic inequality is neither a coincidence nor the result of some natural order. It's of little benefit if I do a detailed write up on this topic since there's tons of those coming up in a search engine. Here's an example:
I know it's not on Germany specifically, but imo it explains the principle quite well. Hope it helps, otherwise, 'does the west still profit from imperialism' was a useful search query for me.
Feministischer Kampftag wäre ein inklusiverer Begriff :)
Genuinely curious, why? I've been meaning to understand where this idea comes from. Or do you just mean preferable as in you prefer their taste or something like that?
I wake up feeling like shit regardless, might as well have that third beer