Did they leave the marshal at the door waiting while they made a Facebook post? Inquiring minds want to know.
Screenshots of people being insane on Facebook. Please censor names/pics of end users in screenshots. Please follow the rules of lemmy.world
She reached out to a famous sovcit and said sovcit charged her 2K for advice.
Of course there are grifters that prey on these dipshits. How did I not put that together?
One of them sells an instruction binder for 350 a pop. And they sell merchandise at conferences.
Wow, so Lionel Hutz is alive and well. How many FBI guys are in those groups lurking just like you.
I wonder if they preface it with "This is not legal advice" amongst the front matter if the ones selling it would even get in trouble. Or if they could float by on the "no reasonable person would think this is real, it's only a game we play like D&D" if they were ever caught up in something.
And it's such small potatoes compared to the provable lies the big grifters tell to sell shit. I'm sure there are people infiltrating but unless they're blatantly planning to blow up a building or kill folks I doubt any three letter agency cares about a few grand as long as the IRS gets their cut.
About a dozen or so of my friends lurk with me for the lolz, sometimes we give them benign bogus advice.
I have a group of people at my house tonight that I've been sharing this particular story with. A question came up after my last reply and I wanted to get your take on it because you lurk out there.
It's about the people selling $350 books or $2000 worth of advice. Why is it when none of this works these people aren't sued the shit out of? Or why doesn't one of the three letter agencies step in and prosecute the people selling this? I think it's because it's small potatoes on the scam scale or because the material is structured in a way that isn't necessarily illegal (like selling someone a rock that works as a tiger repellant). One of my guests believes it's because the people paying for it wouldn't sue the folks giving out advice either due to distrust of the government, belief that the people selling it are legally magic, or some combination of the two so there are no real legal complaints against the scammers.
What's your take?
My impression of the people involved is that they would agree with the scam artists advice and believe in it completely.
As you suggest, when it inevitably doesn't help they'll spin that as a judge or lawyer or is ignorant of the truth, corrupt or incompetent.
People will do almost anything to avoid admitting they've been lying to themselves.
Many of them just don't want to admit they were scammed. You have to admit you were scammed to report it.
Here's the only one I have ever seen who the lights went on for.
3 walls 😳
I was tempted to ask if it was a tent
I only ever saw one complain that he had been duped after paying for some courses of lunacy. He ended up 20K in debt and evicted. I think he was just embarrassed and didn't bother suing.
Also they call lawyers liers and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't hire one to sue someone.
Did she send him the i9? I hear that's good enough, right?
I've heard you can pay for legal advice with Chuck-E-Cheese tokens.
All these guys think they've unlocked some secret loopholes until they actually get pulled over, arrested, or whatever, and then they're mystified that their loopholes don't actually work.
Do these folks believe that using punctuation means they are entering contract with the reader or something?
"I'm communicating, not writing."
"My thoughts are traveling"
Yes. It is the same reason they use "rather" instead of talking about the weather (kidding but really it drives me nuts when people say rather instead of whether lol)
This is a sad, desperate person who was tricked and feels like they waited too long to "do their own research" like they keep telling others to do.
I wonder how many of the folks who have been tricked into this fake lifestyle have a greater than 9th grade education. Not because of this post, but just continually reading these leads me to believe that these are not only gullible and desperate people, but people who are entirely uneducated (likely proudly uneducated in some cases, and keep talking about their "common sense" and "street smarts").
“I used all the magic spells! Why didn’t they work‽”
Are you just posting the worst of these, or are literally all of them posted by illiterate morons who exclusively write run-on sentences?
tsk tsk haven't you learned anything punctuation is a tool they use to control you man if they can make you stop your sentences with a period and then capitalize certain letters are you even AMERICAN?
They're pretty much all like this. When someone posts in regular sentence format I perk up because usually those ones end up saying this is bullshit and rage quitting the group.
"I fucked around and then found out. Can anyone help?"
Damn. This one could be read over a montage of the guy digging himself into a hole.
This is too good.
"If there is anyone who has a clue".
That would be nobody in sovcit world.
what makes the state the state is not anything written on paper.
it is the state's monopoly on violence.
Sovcits need to get this through their thick fucking skulls: If one fails to comply to a government's demands, that government will fucking murder them. They'll come up with a reason. Not because they need one, though, but merely because it's more convenient for them if they can present a rationale as to why SOME livestock are ripe for the slaughter while the rest of us are """safe""".
Every one of those bastard pigs can end anyone's life with minimal consequences; they are all too often entirely ABOVE THE LAW.
Understanding and accepting this is necessary to SURVIVE. Keep up the charade of civility, or the jack booted thugs with their shiny tin badges will come to kick down your door, shoot your dog, 'civil asset forfeiture' seize anything they want, put a lien on your house for the "cost" of the "service" of ruining your life, and then foreclose on your shit leaving your family homeless and there is N O T H I N G anyone can do about it except make themselves a less convenient target.