Are you kidding? The parents can't figure out why? Really? Neither can mine by the way.
They don't understand that the social contract is broken. Working for a living wage is a concept that's all but disappeared. A job can't pay the rent and food. And employers aren't giving any significant pay raises or promotions in order to cut costs. They've been through TWO major economic events - 2008 and COVID - and the massive layoffs that go with them.
I think I heard Jimmy Carr say something about this along the lines of the reason that millennials and the younger generations play so much video games is that it's the only way to experience the fantasy of actually doing something and progressing in any significant way that we don't experience any more in real life. And forget about owning a home and building a family with kids and all that. It's become incredibly difficult and something reserved for the wealthy elite.
Boomer parents who were able to get a well paying job with a high school degree and got good raises their whole life will never understand this.